There is a link to a finale session about Q. There are about 8 all together. Most of the sessions are about future technology, artificial intelligence, AI influencing human minds, and satellites around the globe, which reminds him sky net from Terminator movie. Any thoughts.
Edward Riordan - remote viewing Quanon and future
He’s done 2 follow up videos on Qanon also
I believe what he witnessed was end-times prophecy involving the image of the beast (artificial intelligence), the mark of the beast, (the “shot” that he mentioned would contain nanotechnology), and the solar flash event which will transform human consciousness and usher in the Age of Aquarius. I believe the time we’re in now is leading into the Event Horizon which I predict will occur in the year 2024. Many people believe this will a positive occurrence, but the reality is it’s a trap. I believe the “shot” Edward remote viewed was the coronavirus vaccine which will alter our DNA and merge us with AI in a new digital universe. The Age of Aquarius is the New World Order/Singularity where everyone is controlled by AI (the Antichrist)
This seems to be an observation, coloured by a religious, preoccupation. Thanks for posting them by the way. Having watched the sessions, previous to them being posted here. I have to say, I don't agree with the proto-typical "religious end times", philosophy. I would say I found some aspects of the sessions, disturbing. If only for the reason, that powerful, AI in, the hands of people who are self centered and preoccupied with making money at all costs and by any means, would be a disaster for us all. After all, it is prophesied, that those who control an all powerful AI, will effectively control the world :-o...
Seems to be fear based
Yes put religious predisposition out of this. However raises basic questions:
Is the satellite broadcast of high frequency the SpaceX launched Starlink ones for 5G?
Is this much more than for 5G? Scan and change synapses of brains infected by covid19?
Is the “event” the activation of the sats when enough are in place and tech on ground ready?
Is this when the infected become Borg like as described? Only if infected or also if have cv vaxx?
When might this be?
Why would people go for this as Ed says?
Is Bill Gates and his comrades the QAnon or whoever behind this? Can and how can we stop it?
Is this seen as only solution if civilization breaks down under destruction of covid19?
Dr Fauci predicted pandemic in 2017. Gave virus to Chinese and $3m in 2015. At whose direction?
If all quantum based and multiple timelines can our intent, focus, meditation, action change this?
Don’t want to feel fear as will only push this but difficult in light of convergence of RVs & reality.