I've been following farsight for some time and have seen just about every video available on vimeo/youtube. I'm on board with this as being valid information but I always have a couple questions left over. Hopefully someone can clue me in.
1. Can you remote view fiction? Like if the target was PeterPan? If so, is there a way to know the difference?
2. Is it possible that the remote viewer is picking up an alternate universe/timeline that isn't ours or may not pertain to us? Like maybe these death traps exist, but not here?
Although I find this all to be real, I'm super hesitant to watch the training videos.. I get this ouija board is bad, don't invite the vampire into your home kinda feeling. So I apologize if I just haven't done the research and the the answers are there.
Also suggestion, forum organization if it already isn't in the works. It would be nice to see comments per project, other threads on how they tie in. Maybe general section on RV questions/controls?
Remote Viewing is not an Ouija board. It is a science based information retrieval system developed by the military-intell complex way back 1970s when the Soviets had psychics eavesdropping on our strategies so we freaked and did research then funded natural psychics to come up with procedural steps (Ingo Swann and others) to train special groups to spy on our enemies which could be anyone, ourselves etc. Can be used for research, medicine, stock market trends the past, current future probabilities. There are excellent, good, average remote viewers depending on ability training and methodology. If there can be a blind target called “Peter Pan”, with several viewers you may get the mythical, author, movie or persona depending on the cue. Sometimes a target (ARV) may represent an outcome. It’s all in the tasking. Dr. Brown has written numerous papers on parallel universes. I can only go on how the target was crafted in a straight forward manner and congruent data recorded by the viewers. These are my opinions and reflect my years of research and highest regard for SRV methods. Peter Pan maybe more than we realize. The highest levels of transcendent awareness indicate we are spiritual beings with limitations being our own ignorance. The Death Traps as presented indicate a structure and presence of control. Remote Viewing breaks the control mechanism with this information. There is more to follow with the next work in progress. Where we came from? I’m currently finishing “Human Devolution” by Michael Cremo.
“Nothing is true, all is permitted.” Hassan of the Mountain. I’m very curious. Farsight prime is an exception.