Secret space program, Solar Warden, anything in what Corey Goode says??????
Please check out CW Chanter / Clif High on youtube about Corey Goode/Wilcox/Emery Smith. All very dodgy it seems.
I am guessing that these ops would be heavily guarded. I suggest inspecting the uniform of the officer aboard the spacecraft that
abducted Betty and Barney Hill. This is look back on the time track. This officer appeared to be ominously gestapo-like.
What insignias might he have on his uniform that might trace him to 'military'? This may be the circuitous route needed.
Great question.
For ssp related target, maybe the meeting in antarctica around the last US election where many diplomats and leaders went down there because that makes sense. The admiral byrd incident could make a good one too. even viewing if there really are "holes" at the poles would be an interesting one. maybe there's some anomalous google maps smeared sat images with some lore behind them that could make good targets.
What Kyle said...Oh yeah.
yes inner earth would be an excellent target.
I remember that one. Hundreds of these objects were clustered around the tether.
They almost appear to be some type of interstellar organism.
It indicates that the universe is teeming with life.
I agree that Admiral Byrd and even the alleged Eisenhower meeting with ETs would be great targets.
David Wilcox and Corey Goode all made up. All lies. All counterintelligence misinformation for the for alternative media types and new agers.
David is insistent for people to do their own research. Is it because David is purposefully misleading you? What would make anyone
categorically state that it's 'All lies'? What criteria is acceptable and free of lies?
I don't give one moments notice to Corey Goode, because he does not resonate with me in any way, however, I can hold his
page open without rendering any sort of verdict, because it serves no purpose.
Counter intel has been running rampant since 1940. There isn't any new information. There is only the very ancient stuff
hiding right under your nose. As David would say, it is so much a part of you that if you were to see it, often you would not recognize
the encounter. AT the end of the day, this has nothing to do with what anybody discovers or reveals about anything. This is about
discovery of self as it transits across an apparent 3D existence. If a lie exists, it is the 3D projection which by appearances is anchored
in the illusion of time/space.