Pentagon speaks as questions loom over drones 17th/18th Dec 2024
News about UAP/UFO sightings
JUST IN - US says that mysterious drone flights are neither operated by the Pentagon nor part of any "secret government tests."
EXCLUSIVE Uncovered files reveal secret operation at center of drone invasion(JERSEY)... and why White House can deny it
Official records show the army has been developing and testing 'counterterrorism' drones in New Jersey for years, amid claims of a government cover-up.
A 2018 defense contract awarded $50 million to a private robotics company to develop craft capable of creating 3D maps of urban areas for a 'counter weapons of mass destruction' program.
The contract was given out by the Army's Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center (ARDEC), which is located at the Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway, New Jersey, where mystery drones were first reported last month.
Meanwhile, documents show the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an air restriction alert on November 21 prohibiting flights over the Picatinny base for 'special security reasons' through December 26.
The White House has claimed the drone sightings - which coincidentally began on November 18 - are not a foreign adversary, pose no threat and are not part of a US military operation.
Retired CIA Intelligence Officer Rudy Ridolfi told 'This FAA notice shows US drone testing is happening in the area. It's a warning for others to stay out of the area during those dates.
'While the nature of the testing isn't specified, it's most likely the testing of payloads related to reconnaissance.'
But Matt Sloane, founder of drone consulting firm AI Skyfire, told that the sightings could be 'a contractor developing these drones for DoD [the Department of Defense].'
The DoD can deny claims of third-party technologies if the drones were placed on a secure tech list for contract disclosures, which means the government is applying special restrictions to the information.
The restrictions are added when technologies protect national security or to keep advanced systems hidden from hostile nations, and the developer holds primary liability if the government is not operating the drones, Ridolfi explained.
Thought you didn't trust sources that are said to be from or associated with «Arch-Angel Michael» nor any of the other so-called & self-professing «Arch-Angel» entities ?
I've posted her videos before. You must've missed that. Also, the family of Michael is not all fallen. Only part of it. It isn't one being and has nothing to do with the bible. That's just the typical hijacking and twisting of information.
Angels are just another species of aliens but interdimensional beings. They're no better than us nor are they in charge either...there was the Alpha and the Omega, the ARCHangels were not the good ones...but at this point it don't matter...we don't need aliens good or bad to save us....
We gotta do it ouselves...even Courtney says that once they're here and make it know to the people, then they have to say to them they don't want the negative ones here so the good ETs will kick them out of here for us, we have to decide but either way never give away our power.
We can ask for help but we are more powerful than we know. Don't let the sleepers fall back to sleep. The sleepers around me haven't even said a word about this, so guessing this hasn't even gotten big enough to be on MSM's that TV box that is going to need to tell the truth before these people snap out of it. Even then some won't.
Outlets like Redacted are now focusing on the manmade "ufo invasion" narrative, which I am finding very disappointing. But, and this mirrors what Courtney mentioned in recent Spotlight episode, I suspect the gov't is acting out of desperation to introduce distractions that will obfuscate. Logically, the "Good ETs" will have planned for this, given the history of the "Bad ETs" political behavior -- so I would expect that the "drones" are just step one.
Further, the US news seems to focus on New Jersey -- which I find absolutely mind blowing, given the global scale of what's happening. And people are buying it, which is also very frustrating.
This is a chess game, and I'm waiting to see what the "next move" of the "Good ETs" is going to be in this. I'm sure they are well-prepared.
Given its global nature, this is far beyond the scope of just a few local individuals with drones.
Soon, it will become clear to the public that something much bigger is at play here.
The truth may not come to light until Trump returns to office. He has publicly stated that Biden has been briefed on the matter and should disclose the information. As president-elect, Trump is bound by confidentiality agreements and cannot reveal classified briefings.
Woman zooms in on Orb, speaks to it and Orb responds when she says ....
"Jesus Loves Me"
😲😲😲 Must Watch.... Sound WAY UP🔊🔊🔊
That's no drone. That is plasma. I saw one in the 1990's but it was orange-red.
A plasma being. This is why they whipped out their fly-toys to confuse the situation. There are real entities manifesting the only way they can without taking on meatsuits, but if they were to take on a meatsuit how could they prove who they are.
of course these orbs is how our 3d eyes see 5d beings. Yes they are alive, but I don't think that Orb was responding to the words Jesus as if it even knows what that is...Jesus wasn't his real name anyway...but on top of that, religion nor Jesus has anything to do with this situation. Are we ever going to get to a point where humanity aren't a bunch of dumbed down idiots who believe everything they are told without question?
The real ET space ships are 'alive' and it'd blow our minds how evolved they are but again, some think being bald, and looking like a lightbulb with arms and legs is evolved.
Just because we think these beings might be higher than us or more powerful than us just makes us more ignorant because these beings use technology and once they thought they could do this and evolve, then they couldn't procreate anymore. Humanity has the power to do things with their minds, in this reality....we are the creators, and these beings need us, it's not the other way around. We are the batteries.
This one race tried to advance with technology and found out the hard way that they couldn't and would become extinct if they didn't get our DNA and to be helped to procreate again...they made their bodies out of a machine and placed consciousness into them. The DNA degraded so badly over time, they couldn't do it much longer and would need to start a hybrid program with humans to survive.
"Are we ever going to get to a point where humanity aren't a bunch of dumbed down idiots who believe everything they are told without question?"
Unfortunately, when the majority are NPCs/Organic Portals that will never change. They are hardwired to need that outside programming. This is why the majority will never awaken and anyone foolish enough to think they can save everyone is just wasting their time. We went from 60% NPCs to now over 90% NPCs and going up as those with a spirit refuse to reincarnate. All you'll get now in human meatsuits are the fallen entities, demonics (trans/pedos), and hive minded souls that belong to the Anunnaki.
Feedback on Wayne Bush's Interview with a Man Who Met a Demiurge During His NDE & Guinevere's NDE
Because I did not die - my phone, cell, computer, snail mail were all hacked. No one ever got my phone calls. Or emails. They were all answered by hired folk who probably had no idea why they were being paid to do so. I've had people I did NOT know walk up to me in a grocery store and talk about the very subjects I'd just discussed with one of my few friends the day before - on the PHONE.
Excuses about Karma don't move me. I am a nice person and most people are. Souls don't like us and many don't even know how to operate us. I am disgusted that not one Guide will come down here and console me for what occurred . . . and explain it, or show me love or consideration.
Here is how it works: They are told it is a School or Game. The Game on The Limitation Plane. Earth School. One-third of our lives WE are asleep. They are not veiled and that is play time, the creeps.
We are NOT Souls. Only part of our consciousness is their consciousness. I found my Soul to be unlike me and set up a rather vengeful retaliation program. Gotta love the Programming part, eh? What a crock! Well, we can also undo a lot of that programming, Stewart Swerdlow tries to help people do that all the time.
The Demiurge in fact DOES have to do what he does - I know him all too well. There is a balance which MUST be kept, It IS his Game. It was never meant to be. He has copies of Akashic Records, which can be taken out JUST LIKE NETFLIX and he sticks poor Souls in various characters and THEY are forced to lead lives of HELL, not to mention he puts some of his "demons" (negative polarity beings) in the roles of people who were supposed to be Helpful, or a Soulmate or a Friend or a Karmic Intersection meant to allow us to teach a lesson, etc. Just the opposite will occur. Those intersections will be terrible. Mine were obvious! I just deconstructed my entire Life Plan in Baltmore.
The Game has been hacked, in other words. Akashic Records are NOT safe and inviolate.
The Demiurge's name is "Maratona." Call him that. He HATES it. Maratona's Armada! (Satan's Army)
You know what they call us? "Marionette Amore!" "Love Puppets."
He can mess with us any which way he pleases. Yes, we can cancel the contracts ALL SOULS MUST MAKE WITH HIM or they cannot Game here. Think Holo-video Game. We already have this coming in the Human World. Why doubt it exists? The entire world is a Holographic Universe (Universal Games) and "Source" is NOT "All That Is.” Those Hollywood movies are SO obvious, too!
Souls trapped in one of those "Games" are in a Life Movie already lived by other Souls. They claim they are using those Lives as Video Instructions. B.S. They get ENERGY out of OUR SUFFERING. Period! The poor human "characters" have NO CLUE why "life sucks and then you die," "most men live lives of quiet desperation." Guess why!
I pray for DEATH, I tell you. Rod Sterling cannot beat THIS story. Your Soul is your WORST enemy! The Light is only a frequency of vibration which FEELS GOOD to Souls, so they are taught that is “love” and Souls are often Firefly Entities. Why would they care about us?
I was one. They are impossible to understand. And I am pretty darn good at communicating with them!
We cannot think the way they do. It is not possible. We have short lives!
Man has been messed with for ages. Now they have the Internet. Our lives are ALL scripted, filmed, rehearsed, reviewed, previewed, you-name-it.
We can break the Game. I keep trying. Everything is MIND. All of it.
If Maratona wasn’t such a booger I’d stay with him. He does not make you incarnate! Master Guides LOVE to torture Souls in a human body! The human body HURTS. It is how they punish and punish and punish for every little infraction!
Man, you name it - it has been done to me. A regular old Grammy with 7 Grandchildren. That’s all there is to me.
There are Angels! Incredible Beings! Thank Someone!
My understanding is Yahweh is the Principal of the School and Developer of the Game. There are many, many Souls who can design planets, even worlds.
Any American School kid can halfway design an Avatar and World, for Goodness’ sake!
This is a piece of my ghastly story. My heart went out to your Guest.
This is Satan’s Game. Absolutely. I go bother him (in Spirit) all the time. We called him Satan because he was such a BRAT when he was young.
Enki nothing! That is Marduk! And the Anunnaki were nothing more than PEOPLE from another Dimension trying to help Mankind. Just people! They had longer lives but they died like everyone else.
I can teach you how to view one of Enki’s programs, if you like.
I tell everyone my name. I am not hiding behind any Mask!
I’ll tell you who the Military men are and the Spiritual Guru (*rolls Eyes*) who actually programs Human Beings to do the will of Souls - they try to over-ride our brains all the time! I’ll just put their names in another email.
Re: «Unfortunately, when the majority are NPCs/Organic Portals that will never change. They are hardwired to need that outside programming. This is why the majority will never awaken and anyone foolish enough to think they can save everyone is just wasting their time. We went from 60% NPCs to now over 90% NPCs and going up as those with a spirit refuse to reincarnate. All you'll get now in human meatsuits are the fallen entities, demonics (trans/pedos), and hive minded souls that belong to the Anunnaki.»
Their «Spirit(s)» is/are just «snuffed out» by the Contamination-Energy at this point; once the «Thresh-Hold» exceeds the 100% mark, that is when they indeed become «as biological robots» in the words of Terence de Malahèrre (returned/re-incarnated Spirit of Truth who was the Essene when here during his previous-life «Avatar» Yeshua ben Yosef whom most refer to as Jesus). Once that happens, then it is indeed «impossible» for them to return to any semblance of sanity or reason, but, this Earth-Life IS actually an «opportunity» for those who have «incarnated» here with MUCH Contamination-Energy (Spiritual-Darkness Clouding their Souls/Spirits) to be able to learn some «Wisdom» from those of us who have «incarnated» here from the Pure-Realm (like Terence de Malahèrre had done directly as did I which is why I was able to so quickly resonate with his writings and his writings are the «Spiritual-Light» that I «incarnated» into this universe to be able to further-spread its Wisdom beyond the limited reach that Terence would have gotten since I am much more technologically inclined than him & know various ways to bypass stupid censorships even though I had absolutely zero idea at the time of my pre-incarnation that who-ever it was that was to write this book would have been someone with so famous and legendary of a reputation that had sprung from his previous-life Avatar).
Unfortunately (for them), they do largely «squander away» their «opportunity» and, for the vast majority of them, they continue sliding further down into the Abyss (Hell) for each «incarnation» into the different thousands of levels of consciousness until they are ultimately kind of obliterated or at least compressed by the volume of the most-concentrated form of the Contamination-Energy (since ISBEs cannot actually die) and are «trapped» in a darkness-space with no warmth or light or love & it's hard to describe, but, what-ever the most-excruciating pains & emotions are that any human can ever feel on earth, well, that is pretty much multiplied into the millions upon millions for those who end up there at the absolute lowest-levels of consciousness-abyss. We TRY to assist them, even when they have turned into what look like NPCs/Organic-Portals/etc., because our «Unconditional-Love» extends to even the «offensive» ones and, when it comes to people like me and Terence, that is also because we KNOW what is «in store» for them if they do NOT change their offensive/deceptive ways or do not learn of the Wisdom in which we bring into a fallen-realm like this one (but it is still their choice as to whether they wish to consume the spiritual-food, the wisdom, download/install the knowledge into their matrix-mind, or not; most will of course reject it, for, a variety of reasons, not the least of which was metaphorically described in the past as how straight-and-narrow is the path to «salvation» whilst wide is the road to eternal-destruction called «hell» prior to the Mandela-Effect and many enter therein... ultimately ending up in the eternal-abyss).
Although I never really got a chance to answer his question, when I told Terence that I had absorbed just about all of the knowledge from reading nearly all of his writings, his response was to ask me if I knew that there will end up being millions upon millions of spirits who end up thanking me for all of eternity. Well, that is a bit hard to imagine, but, this question was posed by the very Spirit-of-Truth (formerly known as Yeshua ben Yosef and popularly called Jesus-Christ) himself; like I said, I do not «bow down» to him nor «worship» him, but, really kind of see him as someone of an equal, spiritual-brothers after all, whom I greatly respect (because of his absolute-refusal to pay fines or a 15$AU driver-license-renewal fee even after over 5 years of threats & abuse & even being jailed by the government-officials; you just HAVE to «respect» a guy like that who did it in order to expose just how bad the corruption is on earth), with our own «unique» ways of trying to do things, but, considering that our conscious-minds are limited to what we learn whilst here on earth (like a blank floppy disk that starts to get filled up once we are born), I recognised the limitations and could see that he was just as «human» as the rest of us, with the only real difference being that he re-gained access/knowledge directly into the Pure-Realm (regarding «Spiritual» matters) whilst everybody else is disconnected (and for me it was only my pre-earth-life memories rather than being able to do things like «God is telling me right now» type of stuff although I think I get his «context» now and it's more along the lines of «A pure-flowing of positive-light-energy is indicating to me» would probably be a good way for me to «translate» his speech into terms that make sense to the rest of us but I would still preserve the way that he said things for the people who are still largely religious).
2025 will be an interesting year
DFW area TX
Lockheed Martin and Naval Air Station-Joint Reserve Base FTW
We started responding to multiple reports of drones flying near city neighborhoods, federal and military properties on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 8:14 p.m.
officers saw drones in the area flying near Bomber Road, Silver Creek, and N. Las Vegas Trail. We coordinated with security personnel at military and federal properties to try and locate the pilot-in-command.
At 8:54 p.m. and 10:21 p.m., we responded to additional reports of multiple drones in this area.
Los Angeles CA
“This thing was just hovering around DTLA and as soon as a plane flies next to it the thing just flies away
I've gotten over 300k impressions on farsight clips on X, got into the replies of several major people and they're all still focused primarily on Clif High, Greer or dealing with the IC planted "WMD sniffer" meme... some still think they are airplanes. This includes various Ross Coulthart, Shawn Ryan, Chris Sharp, Marik von Rennenkampff, various ufo twitter figures, Pippa Malmgren, Chris Mellon, Matt Pines, Walter Kirn, the ETH twitter people interested in UAP, people in MAGA twitter, there's a big mental block in engaging with it. The bulk of impressions are ufo twitter and Ross and it's still radio silent.
Blind remote viewing of orbs and drones, Good remote viewer
3 parts so far, Part 3 pretty interesting as it involves the pentagon and who is controlling the narrative we are getting.
Very strange video of light seemingly bending around a drone or could be just rotors?
Just came across this video that was posted yesterday, but filmed on 12/5 at 6:07pm. Filmed in central Louisiana outside Pineville.