NEW - In August, former NASA astronaut and ISS commander Leroy Chao saw "two metallic spherical orbs" flying by his airplane.
NEW - In August, former NASA astronaut and ISS commander Leroy Chao saw "two metallic spherical orbs" flying by his airplane.
Lue definitely saw tweets about the big ships coming but didn't engage with it, didn't hide the reply either though. Risk/reward probably isn't there for him yet.
Godlike Productions Forum is talking about Farsight and Courtney's prediction about bigger incoming ships. 4,787 views so far.
The ET's are here. Bigger ships incoming.- Farsight Institute
Courtney Brown is the director of a group of remote viewers called The Farsight institute.
He claims to have been in contact with "The good" ET's for years, having regular contact with them behind the scenes and is now putting it all out there.
He makes some wild claims, but worth taking into consideration IMHO.
Back in November he called the drones appearing days ahead, and he now claims that bigger ships are incoming that cannot be disproven as our technology.
Further on, he will be making monthly updates, with what is coming next for proof.
He puts his and his groups credibility on the line, claiming that they are the only ones Speaking for the good ET's, so he better deliver.
We're somewhere north of 60k on twitter with the BIG SHIPS clips.
Shawn Ryan or whoever manages his twitter is also seeing the clips. It's a big thing and they're probably gonna be too spooked to bite early.
@Jon Smith
I have a huge favour to ask of you since you are quite active on-line at various sources (probably). Anything you message or post end it the following phrase...
Ref-Code: 304F-A824-1B09-D3E3
And if someone responds to you that they asked Chat-GPT or did a search and came up with nothing, then, just let them know that they need to use Bing or DuckDuckGo, rather than Chat-GPT or the Big-G, for it's only recently been indexed...
Sorry, Aeius. I'm only active on here and randomly check Telegram and GLP that's it. I've done this for far too long and my part in this is coming to an end. I've put in so much effort already over the years I'm worn out. The stress level is getting to be too high. I can already see all the plays they're going to do and what kind of stuff may be incoming. It's not pretty.
I got banned off of Twitter about a year or so ago, but for the 10 months before then I had almost 10 000 posts exposing everything along with hundreds of my own threads. What did it was talking about the Zionists lol. They don't like that.
We will be seeing larger ships now, looking forward to this!
Now, I wonder what might trigger the "Bad ETs" to start shooting -- there was prior mention of a potential "shootout" in the skies -- but the Bad ETs are out numbered, out gunned and the SSP won't want to risk exposing the tech they have hidden away. Ponderous.
Small UFOs or ET drones battling?
Reflections at the car's window. Movement of the lights corresponds with the movement of the cars stopping at the traffic lights (also these ones coming from the left into this perspective).
📍 Location: California, USA 🇺🇸
đź‘€ Another red, cookie-shaped UFO/UAP has been seen hovering silently over the city.
What’s shocking? These crafts appear larger than previous sightings, growing in size and mystery. Witnesses confirm: definitely not a drone.
🛸 The phenomenon is escalating — these objects are getting wider by the minute, defying explanation. What’s next?
Stay vigilant. The skies are alive.
Man photographs potential UFO in Pickering, Canada
Looks to be a very large vessel. Thoughts?
Pickering is only like 1.5 hours drive from me lol.
I never watch the skies though since no backyard or even a balcony bah. Plus it's -17 deg celsius out now.
Santa's leaving you a big 'drone' under the tree
At this point I wouldn't care too much. I'm ready to go home. I'm worn out for having done this for so long and having put in hours a day every day for years on end. Even when I walked-in I had zero interest in being here or living life. I only came to help break the game. Being so limited in this physical meatsuit is stifling.
and look at that, after spending days sharing information about the et board meetings on instagram for a good amount of accounts and comment sections, i got censored by instagram for 5 days... meaning, i cannot comment for 6 days, since last wednesday until 23 Dec.. i know my youtube comments are being deleted, probably it's me being shadow banned or due to me spreading the word about Farsight institute, because other "normal" comments are Not being deleted, and now it's on insta too.
Did you by chance keep any screenshots of your comments?
no but i can access them, i believe.
It's appalling to know this has been censored, in any manner. So here is where "we" Farsight members can do our part, let's just post that in current context (referencing ongoing meetings) and let's see what happens? I think that is harmless, and appropriate. (thanks for posting those!)
When I discuss this UFO/UAP issue with friends, I often segue toward the "political factions" explanation (which Aziz clarified). I think the word "alien" has too much baggage, like "soul" does. The "political factions" part of this is relatable, and couple of friends seem to identify with it more easily.
I've seen a couple of postings referenced in X of larger craft appearing already. Anyone see? It's always difficult to determine which photos are real, etc.
That depends on your ability to present the information more than their interest or ability to understand. You shouldn't have to hide what you know, just pick a topic that's relevant and run with it. We're way past the mass hysteria regarding aliens now. Let's not let it go backwards to where they used to ostracize people who believed in it. I openly talk about the Anunnaki and Transhumanism and how all leaders are controlled garbage now. Although, even as a kid, I was telling my parents about all this and what's coming in the future...which is here now.
I understand what you mean here. In my case, fortunately, I have some very intelligent friends and the "alien" thing is not unusual -- most people I know accept we are not alone, it's "common sense" -- some are somewhat sensitive to the gov't hiding facts, ie: it's understood that's partly what's going on.
On a new conversation, with someone I don't know, it wouldn't be my first topic of choice, but I'd feel them out first. A good one is "Oh hey, did you see the UAP/UFOs on TV?" LOL! I actually did that while in San Diego recently, and it worked pretty well -- one was a very intelligent conversation (the booze helped, too LOL).
There was this religious nut, with his family, walking around downtown in my city who was loudly talking about repentance etc. He and I started chatting for a few mins as I was walking to my physiotherapy appointment and I openly talked about everything lol...prison planet and all that. He seemed receptive...too bad he's a religious nut.
This "prison" was specifically created to hold the fallen entities here and humans got stuck with them.
The universe shouldn't even exist and scientists are baffled that we're here at all
The beginning of the 'big drones'
Man photographs potential UFO in Pickering, Canada
Looks to be a very large vessel. Thoughts?
Love these. Just as the "Good ETs" said, "Enjoy the circus!" LOL. They said this should be fun, too...
I'm imagining the gov't is clenching their collective butts... what stories will they push next? Blimps? It's Santa? "It's the Wicked Witch, and she's just out shopping!" LOL
Well, for "us" it is "Santa" as this is a wonderful Xmas gift, and I can't wait to see more. This all makes me pretty excited :)
Counter narrative is up with a new Mick West-like hand waving.
*BREAKING* Former UAPTF Member Says No Aliens; Videos Mean Nothing; Videos Are Tools for Manipulation.
On the Anti-Hero Podcast, Kurtt Mytchall, a retired Special Forces Green Beret reveals that he worked for the UAP Task Force.
Kurtt revealed that the UAPTF was mostly just a “side thing; it’s not like it’s a full time job”. He goes on to say that the “videos mean absolutely nothing. I’m just gonna tell you right now…that the stuff you see, the way it was released…everything looked like it was being developed as a hip-pocket, if we ever need to unite people or instill fear in people…it was towards that.”
Kurtt continues on to say that “there was no indicator of any alien life from what I saw, from my perspective…what I did see was a lot of prep for a tool for manipulation”.
Dont know if this has been posted before. So since I have come off the fence, I'll contribute to the party with this post.
And there is a mention of drones going from what looks like traditional "looking" drones with lights to Large Orbs instead
So the escalation mentioned by "Harvey" and Dr Brown has started
And I guess it getting harder and harder to deny the existence of UFOs now
I think though we still have all these predictions of "energetic" events, and a coup of some sort somewhere in an important part of the world of a very powerful man. (a Leader in America perhaps)
Buckle up I guess. If its all true we stand and the most fantastic time ever seen in this planets history ! I never thought it could happen so fast.
I'll just watch the show over the Christmas season. I think a lot is going to happen.
As I recall (correct me if I'm wrong), but Courtney/Harvey/etc mentioned they were initially mirroring our aircraft (lights, at least) to demonstrate a friendly manner, using the normal/legal lighting configuration. I had seen a video on X that showed an orb turning into an airplane, and back. While I don't know the veracity of that, I might think the "Good ETs" would in fact do this, to show a friendly nature.
That's my understanding.
I think one of their primary concerns is to not instill fear or panic in the public. And (to my delight) that doesn't appear to be happening. People seem to be generally "OK" with this idea, and they are curious.
Recall in history, the "War of the World" reading on radio by Orson Wells, and people lost their minds LOL! Well, we're are way beyond that now.
On another note, tonights Spotlight said to wave to the visitors (aliens), and I intend to do that! I have one of those really powerful pen-green laser pens, and I'm going to go looking and I'm going to point up and wave like a crazy man! :)
We heard on the last Conversation between Harvey and Crew that "we" are suppose to do something to further the news that UFOs are real and Aliens are real etc.
Then could we make a pledge to pay the same entry price to be members as we pay now ?
Then could perhaps Farsight open its membership to be free for 6 months (for new members or prospective members) - with an explanation that it will last for 6 months because of the momentous events that are happening. And explain also on the other interviewers podcast that all the members are on board to boost the interest in what Farsight has discovered etc. And they are doing so because of the important time in Earths history etc.
I have just noticed that Simon Parkes has just done a Japanese (I think he is Japanese) podcast. So there is a huge market out there world wide !!
The funding Farsight needs to keep operating then would allow Farsight to continue funding it operations, because we all continue to fund it regardless of the free membership (short term)
And here is the thing ! We are all members now right ? And so we would probably all join again for 2025 as well, especially since there is predicted to be fantastic events to happen. Yes ? So if someone else gets 6 months free is no big deal to us, really ? We would spend the money anyway to join.
And it would be critical for Farsight to go back to the basic info of what farsight does (In the inteviews). What remote viewing is. And what military men and women were remote viewers, and how they received medals for their work . And discussions such as this to "prove" that remote viewing is a real phenomenon, and the military are really involved, and Dr Brown follows the scientific method and so on.
Because it would seem very far out to most novice viewers. I would like to point out that when I first started looking at Farsight and I saw some leather clad people talking about someone or something, I didn't really understand what was being done or said. And it was because I think we (at first) needed the question or label at the bottom of the screen.
At first for an hour or two it seems a lot like some bad mime show. Sorry !
As I then (as a first timer) looked at Aziz talking, I would know who he was contacting, or what he was likely seeing, and so on.
And in the scrolling tape along the bottom - a message could be put saying,
"this message was added on after the remote viewing screen to allow the NEW guests who are watching to following along. It has never been added to a remote viewing before, and was added AFTER THE REMOTE VIEWING WAS FULLY COMPLETED ! AFTER THE 6 MONTH PERIOD, AND GUESTS BECOME MORE FAMILIAR WITH THE WEBSITE, WE WILL RETURN TO OUR USUSALY MESSAGELESS SCREEN.
We then would understand (as members of Farsight) and know we are really furthering the spreading of the information and helping the disclosure.
At that point Farsight solicits and seeks out as many interviews as possible and gains the permission of the interviewer to promote Farsights website (which shouldn't be a problem). With Dr Brown perhaps wearing a stylish T-shirt with the logo "" on it. So that is is constantly visible. Shameless promotion I think its called
Maybe ? Then we all collectively would know we have just done something ? And if the promotion with a free 6 month trial at no cost or obligation what so ever ! Could help. And Farsight would have no diminishment of monies. And who knows it just might boost membership !
Any way its just one idea
You have made some very good points. Farsight has basic operational costs to cover, which the memberships provide for. That explains why the rise in rates for new members is necessary. If I were a millionaire, I would fund your suggestion to Farsight. It would be well-worthwhile.
In a practical sense, we are still in a prison planet, which is managed very tightly. "money" which isn't real, but a concept, is part of that function. My presumption is that we still need to operate within this system, that means paying for services with (fake) money which includes Vimeo services, and perhaps more that I am not privvy to.
I think Farsight would make this all freely available if it were financially feasible. I think their YoutTube presence is perhaps a fair middle ground (correct me if I'm wrong).
For the time being, we must all operate within the constraints of this (soon to be demolished) prison system.
I had actually brought something similar up a while ago, but I don't think Farsight has the resources (or time!) to "baby sit" the forums. We have some that like to start trouble here, too. It's a lot to handle, in addition to their regular involvement. BUT, I was pondering earlier that the "Good ETs" must surely know about Farsight's current membership -- maybe they even read this forum! Who knows!
But your ideas are definitely valid. I just don't know how they could be realistically implemented with the constraints that we live within, presently.
Is a huge boost in membership necessarily indicative of people awakening or just people jumping on the next trend bandwagon...especially out of fear due to the whole "Farsight said the drones are UFOs" link they've seen. I'd rather only GENUINE people join up and not ruin this forum any more than it almost had been. A little bit of conflict is fine, but imagine constant fighting on this forum all the time that never ends. On both Above Top Secret and Godlike Productions you need constant vigilance by moderators since those sites have daily visits in the tens of thousands of people and that's a lot of diverse and sometimes radical ideas.
I think I am proposing a type of "go fund me" method of boosting the awakening through knowledge of the various bits of information that we have uncovered.
What I think I am proposing is Dr Brown reach out still further to huge untapped markets such as India and the Philippines. Or Africa which has 1.4 billion people as well.
The boost I propose is one of a limited free membership. But that "gimmick" or promotion would have to be discussed amongst members so as not to create an uproar and a protest of pulling ones funding (leaving the site).
The idea is to "ask" members to okay the move as being allowable and even desirable by its members. And in fact it would have to be a proposal that would come from members to farsight. Then farsight with member "permission" of the "funding" support proposal (ie not pulling funding to farsight) -farsight could set out with a plan to expand the membership and the awareness world wide - and "we" as a group could see - we had done something to assist this awareness we seem to want so dearly.
As to boosting membership with malcontents, that is a very valid point. However, that I believe could be controlled with the 6 month 'limited membership. After 6 months they would loose their membership unless the continued it with a paid subscription. So they would be less likely to be trolls or similar. As to trolls, I think Farsight and its members are fairly good at handling trolls. So I don't think we need to reach out to millionaires. We have some funding from our own pockets. The types of people who would be attracted to Farsight would be found on other open minded websites. And these types of sites would be the ones Dr Brown could go on and solicit. The Philippines which speaks English as one of their languages has about 120 million people in it. India has about 70 languages and so English is the default language used in India. And India has about 1.4 billion people there, so that is a massive market. If membership could be boosted, the best answer to that, is to reduce membership costs by 50% which will attract still more members.
I have thought about Farsight and see that the membership cost is the block to greater global awareness. It is not too likely that a "new" member could look at every remote viewing and absorb the information in 6 months. So there would be interest to look at more of the remote viewings and become members.
There's a reason most of the spiritual seekers/awakened to the prison planet idea come from the Western countries. The other races are too highly programmed. I can guarantee you the majority of those that are looking into all this are all white and that's from experience over the decades. In India their Anunnaki Hindu and Muslim faiths are so ensconced within their genetic memory that they will never give it up. I tried talking to some of them and they firmly believe that their blue pleiadian "false" gods were real and will come back for them...but we all know Shiva was played by Marduk and EnKi etc. It's all a game. The Filipinos are hardcore Christian with some fanatical Muslim elements...I know because I'm married to one. They don't actually believe that religion, but they do it for the sake of saving face/fitting in socially. They're like ants always following the leader. As for Africa, they're just trying to survive and mostly focused on that and very few have the time to read all these fantastical stories that offer them no concrete proofs. There are some there like Credo Mutwa that do know a good deal about the reptilian side of things, but overall you won't get many of them onboard. If you look at it separately, then there are much more African Americans who are looking into this such as Sevan Bomaer and Young Pharaoh. You'd be better off targeting Russia and China.
Could be right on a lot of that. However there are still say 2.5 billion people there and those groups. That is still a huge demographic and just 5% represent 125 million people. This fact and the apparent prediction of more and more flying saucers flying world wide might change some minds. The thing about it as well is that a going on an African or a Philippine website only involves a web connection, so it can be done from ones living room and takes a few hours time.
“Large streams from little fountains flow,
Tall oaks from little acorns grow.”