Dear Farsight,
I’ve been following FS for many years and really admire your work.
But I feel compelled to say that it bothers me when someone states “we’re giving you real data” followed by 10 or so minutes of “conclusions” like in today’s UFO Crashes: Cause and Personnel (Part 1 with Aziz Brown).
Aziz, btw, brilliantly stated his thoughts after target reveal (beginning around 1:48:00) that he was “increasingly hesitant to believe that we live in this ‘black & white’ ecosystem of good x bad E.T.s.”.
You nailed it, Aziz.
This video had something close to a 20min introduction by Yemme (and I love her work), that was not necessary, followed by a “narrative”.
Please, please, please, stick to the Data. Don’t try and push a narrative. That’s exactly what the “bad guys” have been doing in our very human politics lately!
“Commit to the data, not to the conclusion”, to paraphrase Jacques Valle.
You only followed a few deaths into the DTs, and they were all in bad circumstances. How about the good people? Many traditions speak about this. If you take a sampling of the current human society on earth, you will see more than just bad guys being shot: You will see happy moments, happy families, happy people. Peaceful deaths, sometimes happy ones, I’m sure.
Maybe our planet has more than one function, there are prisoners, but there are developing souls, experienced ones, etc.
When less than 1%of the population controls all the wealth, they can make all the laws and direct how they wish everyone to live. Im my opinion, thats a prison. People would not willingly end their lives if they were living in a free society. Secrecy is tool used by our governments to keep our heads in the sand. Upon a "full and complete disclosure" I may then agree with your statement. Not until. Sorry.
I agree with Mr. Pieper. I appreciate Farsight's work, and all the many projects they have done over the years. These last few months (two or three years?) I've grown increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of preoccupation Farsight has with this topic and the amount of interpretation involved. I am fascinated with and love remote viewing, but in my opinion, reality is far too complex to assume accuracy regarding the nature of reality based upon remote viewing. It is difficult to express, but I am a highly intuitive person, and something doesn't quite feel right.