After watching the "Reality of Harvey" project, I'm still wondering how these people (Harvey and 200+ security people) are at the beach without leaving footprints in the sand.
In the past, Courtney mentioned phase shifting technology as a possibility, and in the video, Aziz speaks about different realities laying on top of each other.
But there seems to be more to it: Intysam mentioned that Subject B (Courtney) in that moment is focusing on the future. This could mean anything, but after that, Yeme mentioned that she feels like she's looking at "two different moments". That made me think of the concept of quantum fluctuation, which describes how particles enter our reality seemingly out of nothing, then disappear and come back again.
Please have a look at the following picture:
Let's say the area above the x-axis is our physical reality. The red curve is a particle entering and leaving our reality. That's what we see. The blue curve is a shifted reality we cannot see with our physical eyes. Point A1 is where Courtney is. Now, please ask Harvey:
1. Is that an accurate description of how physical reality works in principle?
2. Where is Harvey? A2, B1, or B2?
I'm asking that question because, from our point of view, A2, B1, and B2 are in the future, thus Courtney and Harvey are in different moments in time (and Courtney is actually talking to the future).