Last night, I watched the new Farsight video about Pope Francis and the Vatican, where Courtney refers to this prison as a "mental prison" -- so this would seem to figure in to my initial query.
I wish Farsight would dig deeper into this prison and death trap system, so we can understand what it's all about. My initial impression, from Farsight's own video and commentary, was that there is very advanced technology at work, including AI, that manages our energy (after we die) and recycles us. Now, the idea of a "mental prison" adds another layer of questioning (for me).
We really do need more information and hopefully Farsight has read our pleas and will do so in the near future. The more you know.... and a trap can't work well if you KNOW IT'S THERE AND HOW IT OPERATES.
So, back to psychedelics. From the "homework" I've been doing, it appears we as a society (here in the US, at least) have been inundated with misinformation about these compounds. I say that not as a sympathizer of drug abuse, but that these compounds are now (ironically) being found to help people in absolute despair, just from one or two doses; people that suffer from crippling PTSD, OCD and treatment-resistant depression are being helped. That's very compelling. And naturally (pun intended), Big Pharma can't place a price tag or a patent on a compound that is natural and has existed in nature for a very long time.... and so there you go, another layer :)
I digress. But I think using compounds to bypass our "mental prison" or whatever elements are influencing us may be part of a key to getting around and/or out and understanding it.