You've still got the lighting set up to give you reptilian-looking eyes...
It's not about eye color, SJ.
I rather like this lighting arrangement. It doesn't look like it's been engineered for mood effect or illusion. It looks like it's for the real purpose we use light. So we can see stuff. I think because he faces us head on with clear lighting, it would let us see if there was shapeshifting going on. But I have watched closely for slit eyes and I haven't seen anything. Some of his Harvey conversations come clise but that's what you expect when the camera gives red pupils and you're facing sideways. Most shows would get that if they didn't touch it up everywhere in post. I hope Farsight never gets into touching up and makeup and mood lighting etc. Well, yeme can keep doing her crazy outfits and makeup though, why not
Since you seem to require more visual aid.
I totally get that. I believe that is a real issue. But I don't think it's happening with Courtney and I think they do intende face forward lighting to help get that point across as if to say "see look at my pupils. Do you see any slits?" And so far I don't