Wanted to share this hipnetherapy session from Alba Weinman where Sabrina is accessing the timelines for what to come (not channeling). We have a 2024 year that will start to become somewhat "stressfull" something about many countries at war.. something is going to happened in the states and the world, dont know if civil war or something (just a guess).. the earth's magnetic poles are shifting at rapid pace and looks like it will flip 45 degrees in ther next 4 to 5 years has expected and according to scientific reports, before hiting 90 degrees within 2030/40 wich will lead to a displacement of the crust according to several studies, all this affected by the Solar cycle event (suposedely). they also talk about et's wanting to came here because of planet earth but being stoped, the question is who is who!!!
2024 and "maybe" what's to come
General FarsightPrime Discussions
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Geesh ! All I wanted to know is wether or not it was going to rain this weekend.
Artur Faria
Artur Faria