The above video is about the abduction of an a household wife, Linda Napolitano, on the 30th of November 1989 at 3:00 AM in New York City, as related in Budd Hopkins’s book, Witnessed, published in 1996.
This abduction is unique because about 24 people saw Ms. Napolitano and three little grey beings float in the air in a beam of blue light from her apartment, up to a huge UFO stationed in the sky above Manhattan. This abduction got a lot of notoriety because it was also witnessed and involved the UN General Secretary, Javier Peres de Cuellar and two of his security details.
At about 38:30 of the video, the following question is asked:
“Why would highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations’ kidnap people for their scientific interest?”
In so many words, why are aliens abducting people on earth?
It is to answer this question by introducing the work of Dr. Corrado Malanga that this post is listed here.
After using regression hypnotherapy combined with NLP( Neuro Linguistic Programming) to study more than 3,500 abductees over more than 45 years, Dr. Malanga, a Chemistry professor from Pisa University in Italy, is providing some amazing and compelling information on why aliens are abducting people on earth.
To get the answer to the question asked above, Dr. Malanga has interacted with the “Soul” of abductees, that is the immortal inner component of man that describes Itself as Life, because it is the only one of the three inner parts of man that can create life. The “Soul” is what we call the IS-BE because it is the immortal spark of divinity that creates life and energy.
It should be noted that the late Dolores Cannon used Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) to interact with the “Soul” or IS-BE part of her subjects, but she didn’t know that. However, she knew that she was interacting with the same “Being” as she call It. She told me that no mater whether she was in India, Utah, Russia or Hong Kong, this “Being” used the same words, and picked up in California where He left in Singapore… or wherever. And this “Being” always referred to the humans through whom He was speaking as “beings”; meaning that they were not part of Him. And rightfully so because the physical body is not part of the “Soul” or the IS-BE.
Wow that was pretty descriptive by Dr Malanga. This is the 3rd time (from different sources) I have come across these “soul containers.” First was from Tony Rodrigues a “20 and back” abductee who describes how aliens took his consciousness/soul/ISBE when he was a child in bed and transferred into a clone of himself and then used by many - some on earth, rest on moon, Mars and Ceres. After 20 yrs he was projected back into his sleeping body with an estimated time loss on earth of about 15 min. Yeah they can tech time travel apparently. A soul can be kept in a container or projected into an alien, clone, or whatever body. Aziz said this too. Never would have believed this possible.
An amazing part here Jean Claude is how Dr Malanga describes exactly how the soul is removed from the body. He says the body is hit with a frequency until the soul rises out. How much is this different than Monroe Institute Hemi Sync? All this starting to connect if we can see this horror.
The purpose is said by Dr Malanga and Nigel Kerner - the synthetic AI Grey robots want immortality. As the Dr says they don’t want to die. How they intend to do it is addressed a little more by Nigel Kerner. They want to create a hybrid version of themselves (human DNA/alien synthetic DNA that can accept our soul portion (immortality) from our ISBE and use their memories in an alien synthetic/organic body. Your second video gives even more detail from Dr Malanga that corresponds to what I am learning from CB, Corey Brown, Tony Rodriques, Nigel Kerner, Dr Malanga, and my own personal explorations. Scary how it is connecting….corroborating. I did not want this to be true but we already talked about dealing with it. Don’t expect prison to be gone in my lifetime. However now I know what I am dealing with. I am learning who and what I am. Not gonna leave any of my human brothers behind either. Guess I’ll start taking some pictures too😃
Hi Larry, Happy New Year. It is good to hear from you.
I seldom read books anymore so I'm happy to hear that you are finding a lot of things in common between the books that you are reading and what Dr. Malanga is talking about in his videos. I have never heard about him but a couple of days ago, I turned my computer on and the first video was just sitting there. So, I knew that I had to watch it and I was surprised by the information that he gives in the second part of the video.
You are right, the aliens don't have the IS-BE component that we have, so they are not immortals. That's why they are trying to create an alien/human hybrid that they hope would be able to house the immortal IS-BE for long periods of time. But it is not working because the IS-BE is extremely powerful and does not allow them to put in clones or hybrids for long periods of time. It (IS-BE) has to be returned into the original human container. It means that the IS-BE cannot stay forever in a clone or in an artificial human/alien hybrid.
Now I understand, our IS-BE component makes us more powerful than the aliens but we don't know that. So, the point is to realize that and figure out how to connect and work in harmony with our IS-BE component.
You are making a good point with the hemi-synch technology from the Monroe Institute. How does it affect the IS-BE soul component of man? Does it make it easier for us to connect and interact with our IS-BE? Not to be pessimistic, but can the hemi-synch help dislodge the IS-BE soul so that it can be easier for alien to capture it?
What I have learned is that man can make amazing things if he can find a way to work in harmony with his IS-BE/Soul.
Wishing the best for your family and you in 2023
Hi Jean Claude, Interesting point if Hemi Sync makes it easier for aliens to capture our soul. I have used it successfully and no alien encounter. Did see what many refer to as a Jinn or shadow person. Simply was able to avoid it. My movement was as quick as the intent to do so. It’s appearance created fear but somehow knew would be ok. This type of “creature” has finally made itself appear to me. Both my sons when young were harassed at night by something like this but I thought just nightmares or imagination. Even my 8 year old grandson recently reported it to my son.
Never thought of astral travel as soul/ISBE travel. Believe it’s our etheric body that may exit under Hemi Sync not soul. Do you know the difference?
What gives me hope for escape from enslavement is what I’m seeing as a convergence between science & spirituality. The more I learn the more I realize they do not have to be mutually exclusive. Man has for years created or attributed to Gods what they did not understand. We are now quantifying the nature of our soul but just late to that party
Hello Jeremy, No I did not feel your ping 😃but always read your posts. Must agree with Jean Claude that I often have difficulty understanding what you are trying to express.