Disclosure isn't optional. Humanity can handle it.
TRUTH or CONSEQUENCES (commentary)
• If ETs are influencing our planetary leaders, how can the agreement of our leaders or any signatory from them be considered by Harvey (et al) to be valid and/or of free will, representing us all?
• What happened to the notion that agreements such as the above, signed in secret, do NOT represent our collective interests as we were offered no choice or involvement?
• With the collective intellectual and creative resources we possess on Earth, the idea that Harvey (et al) would simply leave, to regroup or whatever, seems rather unfair and begs further discussion. Particularly with the first two bullet points, above.
• There clearly exists significant human numbers that do not wish to be controlled, that don't want to be a part of this (or any) prison system where we never really had a conscious choice in, having been established by manipulative/oppressive races. Farsight exists, we are here. It's all noticed and is significant enough that Harvey (et al) are present.
• The definition of "free will" that includes deception of the populace to make certain decisions (ie: neural manipulation by oppressive forces) does not make any sense. Our earthly justice system here, though imperfect, would not grant countenance to this. It would not stand in a court of "our" laws; now shouldn't that also be considered?
• Humanity can handle disclosure. The notion of alien life has been in our pop culture narrative for a very long time.
Disclosure will create a necessary opportunity for restructuring in every aspect of how we live and interact. There will be some confusion, particularly by those caught deeply in systems of control (such as religion) that continue to blind them and make them feel powerless. We are all here to help each other. That's what we humans do, when we're not being toyed with by ETs.
• Establishing "power" by the numbers of ISBEs controlled needs further explanation. For example, is there some means they exploit us energetically that we are unaware of?
• Courtney mentioned there are races that exist that are completely free ISBEs. That means they can defend themselves against this technology and/or understand it in ways we do not. Why not share that information to those being oppressed? Is that a conflict of interest?
Over the past two years, I have encountered people from different walks of life, including elders, who "know" about the idea of a prison system -- not from Farsight -- but they don't recall where they learned it.
The narrative exists in certain closed, fraternal circles.
The idea of this "prison planet" has clearly existed in different forms for what I imagine is quite some time. It may not be new, but it is shocking and there remains many questions we all have about this, which we can address after Disclosure is in full swing and we are on our way to freedom.
Where and what are the risks of triggering full Disclosure? Have we commentary by qualified sociological and psychological professionals as it applies to our present context. We would not, for example, experience another "War of the Worlds" panic today.
At the moment, humanity is being exposed to enough shock and awe, that which separates us and keeps us in conflict. I believe Disclosure might serve the opposite, eventually. Ronald Regan said to the 42nd session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1987:
"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"
While I'm not clear as to what he was referring to (we can assume), I agree with the sentiment as I interpret it.