I would appreciate your thoughts on Corey Good and the sphere being his views are in contrast to some degree...please clarify ...thanks
Sphere Being Alliance and Corey Good
It occurs to me, that super secret space programs don't usually allow Whistleblowers to post about them on the public internet. People disappear for less, and we know trained assets are not allowed to talk. They apparently undergo trauma mind control "debriefings" that implant false memories to make sure they never do.
I notice the named organisation appear fictional. There's no evidence of actually existing at all, which I would expect to be why he's still alive.. He may even be a block ops plant to sow disinformation and confusion, as that's very much a thing. It's well known the MUFON is infiltrated and fairly useless because of this.
Space Force is the public face of all US Military efforts in this regard, and the rest is not disclosed. You can get info on things like Project Blue book with FIOA requests. For investigative journalism into the cia and fbi black ops programs Dark Journalist (he has a free yt channel as well) has good info that can be backed up with references.
So on a first pass, I could be wrong but I think he glows: knowingly or otherwise.
I have looked into Corey Goode, among other whistleblowers for much of the last 2 years and all I can do is offer my 2 cents. Each of course is free to make up their own minds. I expect most to dismiss what I have to say but that's anyone's right to do as I have no hard evidence to offer, just accounts of my own personal experiences.
In short I believe Corey Goode is being honest but I suspect that the SSP is the one feeding him information. The SSP along with many other groups want to control the way and narrative public disclosure unfolds. I believe they give Corey only the information they want him to have in their attempts to control the disclosure process. I do believe the SSP has people in there that want disclosure and there are groups that REALLY do not want disclosure at all so it's always a 3d chess move with these groups. I believe the SSP spins or omits their own wrongdoings and tries to pretend they are "good guys". Relatively speaking that may be true but I would consider them neutral with an agenda that believes disclosure is best for them and humanity as a whole. I do not believe the SSP has humanity's best interest at heart though. They are not evil per se but they are largely motivated by personal interest and act mostly to protect their interests first as is common for all military groups.
They permit Corey to discuss such matters because one he's protected and two he's useful to them as he explained the Blue Avians only wanted to speak through him rather than the SSP directly. Over the years I have learned to trust my own intuition and I sense sincerity and honesty. He's also gone through a lot of grown and has much more inner peace and has dealt with a lot of his past trauma. Especially early on, it made no sense for someone of his personality type to talk to David Wilcock on Cosmic Disclosure. He was akward, clusmy, slow and not a natural speaker at all as he clearly had trauma from his past.
Part of the reason I believe him is what he says matches up well and so far I have not found other whistleblowers to contradict or debunk what he has said, if anything, they end up corroborating him.
And over the past few years, I discovered a twitter page called Sandia the ET. The poster is a human telepath that will post on twitter, messages a group of ETs called the P'nti. Mainly their focus is to encourage humans to redevelop their innate telepathy skills. There is a telepathy primer that they posted. At the time I was agnostic to the idea if ETs were really here to communicate with us. I figured humanity still has a lot of growth to do so while I figured intelligent life did exist out their given the size of the universe, they'd stay away from humanity due to our proclivity towards aggression and violence.
So I read the primer not expecting much of anything but I figured I could try it as a mediation, if nothing else it could help me relax. Part of the advise it gives is to keep a dream journal which I have done so for over 2 years with hundreds of pages of entries. They say on their twitter pages to practice for 30 minutes for 100 days to develop the neural pathways for telepathy before expecting them to reply telepathically. For me at least, I got uncertain results in waking states. New ideas would "pop in" but I could not really tell if it was just my imagination.
After one month though things changed. Apparently, they decided telepathic contact through dreams was best for me. It was very clear and explicit that the vivid dreams I had that night were telepathic in nature. Like Courtney Brown describes in his conversations with Harvey, telepathic contact, especially at first was very draining. I had very clear physical symptoms of what I call "brain drain" where I felt like I just did a week's worth of finals even though I just slept 8 hours. Luckily I was off that day and took two additional naps and slept like 14 hours that day, I was so tired.
Upon review of my dream journal, I found a short dream on the first day of a "dispatch team" being sent out. The dream was so quick and took place at my work so I didn't think too much of it at the time until the unmistakable telepathic dreams came through about a month later. I don't know why but apparently, I got their attention very quickly.
In the dreams I saw various ETs within the Federation and their craft, some of which I have never seen or even heard of before with later independent collaboration I'd find from books and images online as if I was nudged and guided to the material. Since then I've had many similar telepathic dreams from ETs, angels, spirit guides, teachers, etc.
So what does this have to do with Corey Goode? Well often times, I'll have these vivid dreams, uncertain if I'm seeing past life events, major galactic historical events or something else. Then I found Corey Goode and started watching the now removed episodes of Cosmic Disclosure he was on as well as what he says on his youtube channel. To my surprise my dreams seem to be my first source of information I get then I find Corey repeating the same things and giving additional context to my dreams as if I'm seeing the same events he's seeing or describing.
Given my prior telepathic dreams I give more weight to my dreams more than the average person. They have often been too organized even episodic where one night part one of the dream starts with part 2 the next night, part 3 the next, so on and so forth.
TL;DR - I believe Corey Goode but believe the SSP uses him to feed him information only they want him to have to share with some of the public in the SSP's efforts to control disclosure in their chess move games vs other groups that don't want any form of disclosure.
I would appreciate Farsight's perspective on this if they chose to undertake it. I for one would find it interesting.