Seriously, those who are in denial still, need to wake up.
Remember that session where Trump and Biden were on the stand arguing, and people noticed something moving in and out of Biden's sleeve, and a close up shot revealed some strange looking alien-like worm creature or some type of chimera? Have you ever noticed how black Biden's eyes are sometimes? Well, when you listen to this video at 20:12 you'll understand what's being said here.
Published Nov 24, 2021
I have literally dealt with what you are dealing with...because I have brown skin, a lot of entities hate it.... because someone in the cosmos hate brown people but the people in Illuminati damn well know that I'm alive and if they want to disrespect me because of my light body,then they get what they want, and they want threats....even Donald Trump and others before him worship death because there is a mind matrix that was put into people as was detailed by Illuminati, however, there are certain people who have traveled between dimensions that see the harm and discriminating actions of other lower beings bc of the moon matrix hacks...I can go on and on however, would you prefer talking to someone over the phone? P.s. my body lit up and most of the readers who are in this forums are dead head entities who are NSA data collectors bc of the moon which was hacked.
You know, I think it's the negative aliens agenda about skin colour, because they think that if you mix white with black and get brown, and you mix yellow with black and get, well, whatever, and other colours, they think that it's easier to control those people because they think that beings need a "race" line of colour in order to be powerful, and they don't want people to be powerful because they want to take them over and control them. But they're stupid, because they don't understand how Spirit works, and therefore they don't look at it from the perspective of height and depth of the substance I just mentioned. They only look at the surface aspects, which goes to show you how shallow those negative aliens really are.
So sounds interesting what you know. How did you learn about this stuff? Because I've been studying the moon for a while now, because it definitely has something to do with what's going on here. I've noticed some strange activity going on in the realm, such as, I sometimes see spider webs? around, but they are not there when I take another look. It's weird. And the reason why I connect it to the moon, is because when I was studying the moon, mostly through Jose Escamilla's Moon films, I saw a really thick tangle of what reminded me of foggy spider webs everywhere. I think it may be on a 4th dimensional level though, because the regular pictures don't show that. I also heard that the moon was a spaceship that was cloaked so that we don't see that, but in a higher dimension like 4D, you would be able to see it.
And I could see what you're talking about when you "mind matrix" because I've seen the same thing. Ever since I started studying this part, when I was in my teens, I noticed all kinds of interference, esPECIAlly when I'm delving to find the truth, like about telepathy and things like that. Then they come full blast at me. It's taken many years to discover what I have. That's why it's correct when we are told to Know Thyself, and to go into the Heart center, because that is basically free of their presence to manipulate.
P.s. I don't use a eye-phone. My computer and my phone are both connected to ground.
Target- Earth's "Moon".....who...what...why...when...where...?....Cui bono?
check this out!!!!
Oh my goodness. Thanks, Jon, for the link, hahaha wow, is that ever a demonstration of a robot clone.
It was at this event whatever it was, because she's wearing that black sparkly gown.
Lol, and this guy comments on her face which looks totally whacked out strange, only like a robot could look. What freaky nutcases those lunatics in high positions really are.