Just wondering what people think about the channelling phenomenon. Here are my lightly informed comments (this is really quite new to me) and maybe I am getting this all wrong.
Following CB's comments on New Age approaches and his references to channelling and in particular to the the Essassani material I have done some reading and have watched some of this channelling as it is shared in videos. I must say it struck me as being like a new age version of holding a seance. Indeed the principle is the same. I was struck by the way these question and answer sessions, once you take away the theatrical voice and the creepy partly patronising partly hectoring delivery of the channeller, are like any 'cold reading' act but rather less skillful than Derren Brown for example.
The answers follow a pattern of sidestepping direct straight answers when they are called for. One trick used is to give the same message over and over - that you the questionner already know the answer, already hold the solutions, or that you will have to choose and that will change the timeline according to what you wish the outcome to be and so on. They like to say things like: the questionner is already known to us and we know he already knows the answer. No real penetrating interrogation of the entity takes place - rather it is like a reverential supplication to a beloved spiritual master. People say thank you for answers that are cryptic or meaningless.
It looks like the fake channellers, or the fake entities, have agreed a back story about an invisible solar sytem where this 'ancient' collective of beings originate which resonates at a higher frequency and so on. They employ a few verbal tricks to create an illusion of providing knowledge when in fact nothing meaningful or useful is actually divulged.
Now I watched the RV sessions about Darryl Anka where the team made contact with the channelled entity Bashar and the team was convinced this was a real entity and had a great deal to say about this being. So perhaps some or all of the channelling does really have an entity behind the scenes. There are several Essassani entities channelled in this way it seems. If this is the case the material communicated is of a particularly nebulous nature that seems to satisfy the audience but perhaps the same sort of audience that would have attended a seance in Victorian times.
The assertion is that these beings are way ahead of us and some of them have chosen to be helpers and guides in our onward development. They keep stressing that we are somehow part of them and linked to them while making it clear we are far behind them as well. Now if we are ancient IS-BEs hobbled by the death traps then, and CB point this out, this Essassani approach is deceitful. If we already have everything we need then we do not need to be led along or made to feel in need of development rather we need clear statements about our situation and how we are being kept down. The best help we could get from them is a clear assertion of our imprisoned status and some suggestions about how to go about addressing the situation. They could for example help people to remember some of their missing histories because they presumably can track us over our different lifetimes.
Courtney says that their avoidance of the Death Trap issue suggests that they are playing us because they see us as a resource. It also seems possible that once you whittle away all the flim-flam about timelines and their origins backstory they may be the newest kids on the block. The result of rather more recent experiments by the Greys. I use the term 'recent' but with moving timelines and infinity to play with it is possibly meaningless here. I am also wondering where the Greys obtain the IS-BEs to animate their experimental works?
So those are my thoughts. True or fabricated? In either case it is to my mind a fishy business. It makes the adherents feel lesser but somehow special and linked to special knowledge and special spiritual advancement while delivering nothing whatsoever to help people grow and seize responsibility for their own destinies. I suspect that these entities are no more an aid to inner growth than psychedelic drugs. By which I mean you get a great boost at the outset and great feelings of understanding and enlightenment followed by a 'coming down' and a need to repeat the experience. Always you are back at square one or worse, feeling more confused than you were in the first place. If you question this you are told that the answers lie within you. I would prefer the Buddha's resolution to this conundrum and look within and not seek something outside upon which to form a dependency.
I do not wish to offend anyone with my comments and it is in my nature to shy away from formulas and authorities and what I perceive as spiritual crutches. I am revealing my scepticism and hopefully not cycnicism. I find more truth in the work of Dr. David Jacobs than I do in ET celebrities. Or am I resonating at the wrong frequency?