Here is an example of the original message:
The saying of Jesus that was found in Nag Hamadi in 1945 :
"The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you
Not in a mansion of wood and stone
Split a piece of wood and I am there
Lift a stone and you will find me."
Ok that is completely off topic now. Just a religious message, which doesn't say anything. You were just looking for a "reason" to spread a religious message. We also know from farsight that the Jesus story has been corrupted from the very beginning. Religious manipulation works also by fear on one side and offering an alternative to get rid of the fear on the other side. This alternative then, is total, total submission, total "Kingdom", "God sees everything" and so on. "Believers" on a mission trip often adapt and multiply the message and methods of manipulation. And that's exacly what we see here.
It seems you haven't been able to find the Soul-Trap hook, so I help you, no problem.
It's here, Benedict cites Cyril: "... He tells the catechumen: You have been caught in the nets of the Church (cf. Mt 13: 47). Be taken alive, therefore; do not escape for it is Jesus who is fishing for you, not in order to kill you but to resurrect you after death. Indeed, you must die and rise again (cf. Rom 6: 11, 14)... [...]""
But why is even the Vatican's official translation missing this important detail of a citation by the Pope himself?
(Benedict was a German.) The original German text says:
"Dem Katechumenen sagt er: »Du bist in die Netze der Kirche gefallen (vgl. Mt 13,47). Laß dich also lebendig fassen; flieh nicht, denn es ist Jesus, der dich an seinen Angelhaken nimmt, nicht um dir den Tod, sondern die Auferstehung nach dem Tod zu geben. Denn du mußt sterben und auferstehen (vgl. Röm 6,11.14) …[...]""
Here comes the real translation:
es ist Jesus, der dich an seinen Angelhaken nimmt = it is Jesus who takes you on/by his fishhook
"To the catechumen he says: "You have fallen into the nets of the Church (cf. Mt 13:47). Let yourself therefore be taken alive; do not flee, for it is Jesus who takes you by his fishhook, not to give you death, but resurrection after death. For you must die and rise again (cf. Rom 6:11, 14). ...[...]""
You see there has been some confusion created ...
It is also in the Italian version, there it is also not a fishook but only a HOOK:
"Nel loro complesso, le omelie di Cirillo costituiscono una catechesi sistematica sulla rinascita del cristiano mediante il Battesimo. Al catecumeno egli dice: «Sei caduto dentro le reti della Chiesa (cfr Mt 13,47). Lasciati dunque prendere vivo; non sfuggire, perché è Gesù che ti prende al suo amo, per darti non la morte ma la risurrezione dopo la morte. Devi infatti morire e risorgere (cfr Rm 6,11.14)...[...]""
"Taken together, Cyril's homilies constitute a systematic catechesis on the rebirth of the Christian through baptism. To the catechumen he says, "You have fallen into the nets of the Church (cf. Mt 13:47). Let yourself therefore be taken alive; do not escape, for it is Jesus who takes you on his hook, to give you not death but resurrection after death. For you must die and rise again (cf. Rom 6:11,14)...[...] ""
Isn't this interesting: "Trapped In The Net", "Do Not Escape", "Hook", "You Must DIE AND RISE Again" all by Jesus and through "baptism". They say it openly.
At least the Garabandal "Host Miracle" is clearly catholic. Or do you want to dismiss that? Are the Anunaki catholic?
Yes SJ, it is nice.
This stands in stark contrast to what the pope says: " You can come to Jesus ONLY through me."