In The Death Traps, the remote viewing team believes that painful electroshock therapy is used to erase the memory of people after they die. In pearl 007, Dr. Courtney Brown gives more information about this. He states "Technology was installed that was well known in the Orion system that erases a subject's memory upon physical death, implants false memories, and then recycles that subject back into another human life cycle." I am having a problem with this. There are several researchers who have devoted many years of their lives researching what happens to people between lives. Two examples are Dr. Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon. Both have used hypnosis to regress thousands of people to the between life state. All of their experiences are similar. They all describe basically the same experience. Dr. Newton has written 3 books on this subject. Dolores Cannon has written more. The problem I'm having is this. After regressing thousands of patients into the between life state, as far as I know, neither has ever had anyone mention the Orion system or any kind of painful electroshock treatments, even though they were usually very detailed about their afterlife experience. Also, both researchers have found that earth is a school, not a prison planet. Why this discrepancy? They can't both be right. I'd love to hear other people's opinions. Thanks
With Delores Cannon and the new age movement she was specifically told by the gentleman that helped organize her presentation events to never bring up any government involvement and never talk about negative ETs. She admitted it just one time when someone asked her about chemtrails in one of the talks
I don't think there would be many Humans that do have any memory of the Orions or what they have done.
What I think Courtney is introducing is the reason "why" they zap peoples memory with the purpose being to stay in control.
Take this for what it's worth. I think you will find your answer. You will have to have read Alien Interview I believe for this information to mean anything. Lawrence Spencer ('editor' of AI) is a Scientologist.
Very interesting read, thanks for posting. Indeed, the Alien Interview seems to be the playbook for Mr. Hubbard's teaching (or vice versa?) What is so fascinating though, is how much this story resembles what we are beginning to understand about our world.