I think it is ridiculous to not disclose because of religions. The religions will adopt.
Sorry religions, the evidence is so overwhelming that you are censoring worse than the mainstream media. Just because religions say they don't exists doesn't mean they don't. Most people believe they exist anyway. I'm pretty sure it is the deep state, shadow government, Satanist and the reptilians controlled leaders that don't want discloser because of hidden technologies. Its hard to tell what the Chinese people think. There probably censored more than we are in America.
I think it is to the point where the religious argument doesn't hold up. If some people are so ignorant that they don't believe UFO's don't exists to bad.
Agreed. See my comment above. The religions can certainly adapt, they just have to do away with the dogma and be more aligned with true spirituality. I think most of the institutionalized aspects will fall away, however, as people learn to look within themselves rather than giving their power away to any mediator.
That fear is not about religion
Fear of the truth that will expose and empty all of those beliefs, and contribute to creating chaos and changing the course of human social life in an unexpected and uncontrolled way by the dominant group.
Religions will not adapt, but will collapse, because they are a means of control.
The problem is in the identity that people embrace, if it collapses, governments will not be able to justify their legitimacy in taking decisions or actions ...
Is there a technology that could save humanity and turn the global economic system upside down? Yes, this is for sure, and it is the same technology that will give us the ability to leave all the beliefs that facilitate their control of us.