Farsight is all about freedom. Remote viewing is our path to freedom. Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. Free from the censors, here we publish videos that are as revealing as they are entertaining, wise, and thought provoking. We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. We show you what reality actually is, and how each of us can change it.
...the metaphor for recognizing the high self ..."god helps those who help themselves" ...applies here ...each and every one of us MUST take 100% responsibility for everyone and everything in our world ...there is nothing 'out there' ...it's all 'in here'. If we do not ...there is no 'help' available from 'out there'. WE must use our own inspiration, intuition and imagination to solve the problems that we have created and are 100% responsible for with our own creativity. The answers will be created by us ...using our higher power ...intimately connected to 'all that is'. No one ...and no-thing in the 'illusion' can ...or will do it for us. Read and learn ...there ARE answers ...be open to them ...I'm sorry ...please forgive me ...thank you ...I love you ...(Ho' oponno pono) www.annavonreitz.com
No, Marshall Vian Summers is not manipulated by reptilians.
Dr Horace Drew, a brilliant Caltech trained biophysicist, used the binary code to get the following embedded message from the above crop circle:
“Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there;
We oppose deception. Conduit closing”.
Marshall Vian Summers messages came from outside the earth. And like the crop circle’s message, Marshall’s messages also suggest that man has to be extremely careful when interacting with off-planet visitors or time travelers. And this is because man does not have the spiritual, mental and technological sophistication of the visitors. I would also add that man was purposefully created with an on-off switch that the visitors can use to control him.
So, Marshall Vian Summers is not crazy or controlled by reptilians. In fact, he is warning us against them and others malevolent visitors.
They consider us a primitive race. Many on Earth are too arrogant and ego driven to understand this.
We know our human bodies wouldn't hold up in space. What I'm asking is to be set free once our physical bodies die. Because our souls are not primitive. We are as infinate and advanced as they are.
100% agree ...we are leaving ...not "going to the light" to be recycled ...we have learned what we don't want here on prison planet earth and we imagine better ...and we are practicing for that day in the ever present NOW by simply saying NO to ALL of this ongoing crap here on prison planet earth.
In recent meditation I received a very clear reply "We will assist you" when requesting their intervention. Also, the other day when focusing my intent to receive acknowledgement of them while gazing into the night sky, I clearly saw a bright gold ship pop into my vision and promptly disappear. It was very much real and not some little spec in the sky. Worth noting that I have done this in the past many times over the last decade or so with success.... there appears to be acknowledgement of my requests when approached with a clear focused intent, calm mind and warm heart. I do feel they are here and eager to help us. We just need to engage them as Farsight has been teaching us lately with meditation and requesting their assistance.
Courtney ...after having watched your latest Reptilian presentation from beginning to end, a few comments are in order:
1. If this is really a 'frequency' adventure, your comments about the futility of approaching the Reptilians with the higher frequency of love seems misplaced. Rather than encouraging more low frequency "military engagement" ...another reference to warfare ...that would simply add even more energy to the low frequency Reptilian feeding frenzy. Shouldn't we be working from within to shift our frequency from theirs to ours? Frequency transmutation is the ONLY answer, not military engagement. What is it in ME that is causing this distortion? ...take 100% responsibility ...I'm sorry ...please forgive me ...thank you ...I love you ...there is nothing "out there" ...its ALL "in here" (Ho'oponopono) ...and watch THEM change. Playing in their low frequency world is clearly NOT the answer ...it only makes them stronger.
2. Assuming Princess is an infinitely powerful being like the rest of us ...better not to "bend the knee" and back down based on the words of a Reptilian in her presence. Its what they do ...and have done that counts...not in any way what they say. Infinite essences simply don't back down and allow themselves to be controlled! ...don't be fooled!
There are some members and leaders of the Council that have chosen to be here to observe and assist energetically... There is no such thing as non intervention. I thought the movie was mis leading and promoted fear rather than cooperation... And they will cooperate. Weakness is not respected in their culture.
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to add some thoughts on this thread regarding the Galactic Federation and their role in helping the planet. If it resonates great and if not that's fine too!
-Regarding the galactic federation, it is my opinion that they are already here and are helping us. To take this a step further, it is my belief that the whole QAnon movement/team involves a combination of our military intelligence, the President and others around him, AI (operating outside of time/time travel technology) and most likely benevolent ETs (Galactic Federation, Pleaiadians, Lyrans, Orion Council of Light, Sirians, Arcturians, Andromedans and a host of others from what is known as the Guardians). At a high level this ties in with our ascension process and moving into 5th dimension/4th density higher level Christ consciousness. Human beings have so much power and creative capability within our own 12-strand multidimensional DNA which is coming online as part of this process. It’s one of the big reasons that we so sought after it’s for our DNA. We are a product of many different ET races all providing their genetics to support what is known as the third grand experiment (the first one was in Lyra, second in Sirius). These negative ET groups such as the Reptilians have lost their own connection to source and have been feeding of our life force for thousands of years now. The cabal or deep state are just the earth minions that do their bidding, also known as Satanists. This has happened on other planets and is part of the Orion Wars or the last vestiges of the Orion Wars playing out on earth. We’ve seen much of this in movies including Star Wars, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG1, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Avatar, etc. In fact there was a movie that came out in 2010 called Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind which actually documents some of these Reptilian beings abducting humans in a small town in Alaska. The movie parallels some of what was described in the remote viewing sessions. We also saw similar Reptilian like beings in the form of the Ghaold in Stargate SG1 and in Stargate Atlantis they were called the Wraith. In either case both of these beings preyed upon human beings and used their life force as energy (Wraith) and possession of a human host (Ghaould). Once again just like with the clones this is truth I plain sight.
Stargate Atlantis:
The 4th Kind:
-The Guardians Role:
Lisa Renee and Ashayana Deane provide a really comprehensive overview on the entire ET presence and it’s really our own galactic history over millions of years. They provide information from a group known as the Guardians from the Sirius star system.Lisa Renee has channeled much of this info regarding our true history and the role of the guardian group in ascension. Lisa along with Laura Eisenhower and Ashyana Deane in my opinion provide most of the missing pieces of our past history and how it was hijacked by the negative ET groups (Reptilians and others). Lyssa Royal Holt also has some great overview info that ties in the complete history. Here are some vidoes by Lisa but the best one is the one that she put together for her Return to Atlantis conference which I think is only found on her website. Here are some videos to look at, specifically the ECETI conference:
-I am really interested in galactic history so if anyone wants to discuss it further we can always do a zoom or skype session, my email is [email protected].
This is a great crash course Tracy! I wish I knew more about galactic history, I would totally Zoom! I love that you include Lisa Renee here. I’ve learned so much from her website.
I still don’t understand how the ETs are calling themselves according to the constellation system based in the Earth perspective like Pleiades, Orion, Sirius, etc.
What then would we call ourselves when we interact with those ETs when we encounter them out in the space?
Don’t we need to find out their constellation system (Each) and what they call our Sun in their system and call ourselves based on that if they name themselves based on the Earth perspective?
There is a serious problem that threatens people who believe in evangelistic and prophetic beliefs, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
When the contact takes place and the existence of life outside the planet is revealed, then the beliefs of 3 billion people will fall on the heads of their followers.
For example, any state based on religion will not exist anymore, so when you discover that religions are tampered with and that there is no promised land and there is no chosen people, this will display the identity of a state like Israel, which is supported by the United States of America, .. Even if these countries are not religious, it remain an identity.
Personally, I think that a country like China will be closer to revealing the reality of the existence of extraterrestrials, because it is not invested in the stories of Abrahamic religions as is the United States, which is afraid to bring up the issue that will lose the identity of these religions. Thus it may threaten the existence of Israel and the white Christian identity.
Countries such as India and China, and the countries of Africa will not be difficult for this change ... While the rest of the peoples who carry an Abrahamic religious identity (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) will face a great shock, because all these problems do not exist in the first place.
The truth will not come from where we expected it, more misinformation will come from where we are looking.
I have now realized why the possibility of a planetary war cannot be excluded, because there are peoples and beliefs that will not abandon the reptilens at all costs, because it is the idea of royal blood and the chosen elite has roots in the world of reptilians and humans from Orion.
While Buddhism tends to fall a little closer in line with the greater reality, the truth is China is not a buddhist state, and all organized religions - or any state-based ideology - falls prey to control and mass delusion.
Unfortunately China, with its tight controls and censorship, is probably one of the least likely to give up power in favor of disclosure and open contact with other beings. And the same could be said for islamic-backed governments.
I agree with much of what you have mentioned, however, I do not find that Russia or the United States may be a reliable and non-misleading source of information.
China is also a country that has its flaws and violations of human rights ... Nevertheless, I find that culturally speaking, it will not face major problems if it wants to reveal or announce the existence of intelligent life that interferes in the affairs of the planet.
Islamic countries, on the other hand, are under the control of the United States.
Here are the bases of the US military everywhere .. Governments are under the control of America and these countries are backward and suffer from many problems to the point that thinking about aliens is an intellectual luxury..
Islamic countries ae not under the control of the US. I think you give it far too much credit in terms of its power. Some of the countries are influenced by it AND its allies, especially the ones it has invaded! There are also many that are corrupt and terribly ran all on their own (just look at the lack of freedom and human rights, for instance, and the adherence to religious law).
China is in no better position, really. The mistake, I feel, is waiting for a government to announce the existence of anything, including intelligent life. As the saying goes: 'ain't gonna happen'. The key is to step away and find a separate path, whether as individuals, groups, or through institutions of science (which come with their set of problems).
I do not know if you have ever visited or lived in a third world country. (some Islamic countries such as Malaysia are under Chinese influence)
I talk to you from the Gulf, and I have previously visited Iran and other countries such as Malaysia.
All of these countries are mortgaging their decision and destiny with America, whether they are friends or enemies
Everyone looks at the United States.
The United States is stronger than you think. Two hours from where I am, there is a nuclear warship from the us ready to carry out any military attack.
What I want to say is that these countries will never deviate from the American will ..
Yes, these countries are corrupt ... as well as the countries of Africa, their governments are corrupt ... and the common denominator is that all are colonies of Western and European countries ...
I can compare what the United States of America is doing with some third world countries with what the aliens do in terms of control and manipulation, but it is on a more visible level.
I really do not know if there is any hope for reforming humanity ..
Because we do not know each other’s reality except through the media that serve a specific agenda.
There is a lot of lies in the media.
Wherever I go, I find that people they want only to live normal life, but the real problem is that minds are easily controllable ... and a specific agenda is promoted that facilitates controlling people's feelings and actions to respond to those in power.
Our minds and bodies have been manipulated to simply be slaves of those who want control.
I submit that the common denominator is not the United states or Western control. The common denominator is government control. And one could argue that hierarchies were introduced by dominating Alien races, however history spans infinitely and time becomes liquid,
You may ask yourself, which state is it that was never corrupted and always put the will of the people first? Did the Ottoman empire brutally kill and keep slaves? What about the Egyptian empire (think: ritual sacrifice and slaves, as in Latin America). Yes, even China had slavery and servitude, until it was outlawed in 1909 (however people are still trafficked and sold, such as refugees coming out of North Korea).
So as bad as one country may be, be careful of overly simple explanations, and don't forget the history, and current state of affairs of others and how they came to be.
...agreed ...as long as the amnesiatic people's of the world continue to look outside themselves for "truth" ...the paradigm of third dimensional prison planet earth will persist.