Could that be remote viewed? Source of the information etc...? How does it work? Is ET involved in it?
Modus operandi of remote viewing?
Here’s my theory on how remote viewing works, using quantum mechanics concepts. Please Google any terms you aren’t familiar with for supporting information.
First, we must accept the three-dimensional space we perceive is holographic, meaning matter as a physical phenomenon is purely perceptual. See Holographic Universe theory. Matter is no different than thinking of a sound and hearing it clearly in your head. Physical space and objects are not fundamental. They are only perceived, and we perceive them via a coherence of quantum data. Our lived experience is very visceral, but it’s just a coherence of data, residing in a higher-dimensional matrix. In abstraction, we’re like a computer video file.
All this data comprises the cosmic substrate, which is multi-dimensional, as described in M-Theory. The whole acts much like a computer hard drive, and wave-function collapse (the coherence of quantum data as we perceive it), is akin to creating a new file.
Einstein describes existence as states of relativity. We can think of these “files” as the relative coherences of quantum data through time. Importantly, “time” is a misnomer in this respect, as it’s just another term for relativity. That’s key to understanding how remote viewing works.
You may know it’s possible to recover deleted files from a computer hard drive. Remote viewing is like that. Some people call the cosmic equivalent the Akashic Records. I just call it data. I once heard someone describe the process of recovering deleted computer files like the card catalogue system at a library. Even if you take a book off the shelf, the card catalogue entry still remains on the hard drive. Quantum data behaves similarly.
As quantum data coheres and de-coheres (anything from me typing this post and then stopping, to the Twin Towers coming down), relative states are created. Like the library book, those data are not lost after de-coherence.
As an aside, you may have heard that all the cells in our bodies are completely replaced about every seven years. You may have also heard the matter used in cell regeneration could come from exploded stars. What if the raw matter data still contained information from the star and its previous uses? In addition to remote viewing, that may also explain the Starseed phenomenon. That’s another topic but it’s a good example of how previous relative states may also persist and manifest in our lived experiences, outside of remote viewing.
If we accept all the above, we can say human perception is just an expression of the cosmic substrate, and not separate from it. Thus, when a viewer is sufficiently “tuned” to the data repository (check out the research on neural activity during meditation), they can call “files“, or relative data-coherence sets, at will. The viewer is essentially mentally re-cohering the target relative state.
As another aside, in that respect, remote viewing is like watching and interacting with a re-play (not going back in time, because again, time is just data-relativity). That would explain why viewers don’t create grandfather paradoxes (referring to the time travel thought experiment about killing your own grandfather to prevent your birth).
Dang. I'm just a lowly entomologist who had to take the SAT twice to get accepted into Texas A&M...Me thinks I got much to ponder here. Super glad someone finally responded to my post. Much I need to digest it all lol. Thank you mc!
No prob, Entodude. BTW, I’m a college drop-out. We all learn differently. :)
I'm just curious what the "nuts and bolts" of the process are. Akin to trying to figure out the propulsion systems of ET craft. Apparently they are able to bend spacetime. But how? So we have RV..what is (if present) the source of the information perceived and can it be quantified..measured. Is electron flow part of it? What is going on in our brains to allow for the perception of this information? What chemical pathways are being stimulated? Clearly something is going on. All this got me to thinking...can RV itself be used to obtain some of this information?
I wish I knew more about neurology, electrical engineering, and data storage architecture. My sense is there’s some interdisciplinary space there, combined with physics, where we would discover the actual causal mechanisms.
The best I can guess is there’s an interaction between neuro-electrical activity and subspace information, like a radio picking up and interpreting a frequency.
One of the principles of Hermeticism says “Everything vibrates”. I interpret that to mean everything operates as a wave frequency. Some modern physics supports that.
If neural pathways act like a transmitter & receiver, and the neutral state of subspace information is a wave frequency, that would seem to cover both telepathy and remote viewing.
Read this! You’ll have a much better understanding of how it works. Our consciousness is simply going to a specific spot in space/time to view a specific target. This declassified CIA document explains the process of how we use our left brain to access our right brain in order to obtain perceptions from RV’ing.
Something along those lines had been my best guess as well. You know Courtney probably has some take on it.
Interesting topic. Courtney mentioned something about piggybacking into targets that are blocked from being directly seen.
I was wondering what entity or person is used to "see" the target through, whether there is a higher spirit that helps or whether the target is seen through one of the people that have direct involvement in that specific target?
I know that aliens can enter the minds of their targets and see through their eyes, but it is a very invasive and predatory feeling act.
That was fascinating for sure. Sounded like something from a sci-fi movie. We got sooooo much to learn, but we are getting there.