Starting a 1:17 Rock gets the feeling that many of the fear related events are scripted. Well, I can tell you many have been scripted for at least 2 decades, starting with 9/11.
All this crap lately, from the virus to the protests and the fear surrounding these recent events are scripted. Fear is the motivator. Fear can make people give up all kinds of things in the name of safety.
Looking at the recent cop related incidents involving individuals supposedly dying do appear to be FF events. The cop with the knee on the neck just don't make sense for a few reasons. I also noted that the videos of the events appear to be manipulated. No where can you find 8 or 9 minutes of the cop and his knee on the neck. We get small clips. Funny thing is I noticed the guy on the ground kept lifting his head, hard to do if that much pressure is being applied. Also the victims is talking without restriction and talking a lot. If your being choked out, you can barely talk if at all. The other most obvious clue that this event is staged is most cops are not going to allow themselves to be filmed by strangers, and if they are, they always threaten that you are interfering in an investigation. Cops always act differently when they are being filmed, especially by the public as this event was. It just don't make sense. Then to play it up on TV so much to drive the so called protest and following riots, I smell a rat.
The Atlanta event that happened a couple of days ago looks fake in the video. The cops look like clowns fighting this guy. It flat out looks like a fake fight. There is always someone filming, nice and choppy, side to side sway in the camera, always on the edge of objects partially blocking the view. This is classic FF filming, its always the same technique used. Don't want too much detail. If you think the press is trust worthy and are going to tell the truth, forget it. The major press outlets are literally and completely controlled by the CIA or whatever branch domestically they want to call themselves, but these are CIA tactics being applied inside America.
Without going into all the details of how they do this on a mass scale, I will only say that most of the large scale shootings type events are faked. Most of the players are JSOC. A mass recruiting effort was going on during the bush administration to pick retired military personal. JSOC went from 2000 to 25000 individuals very quickly during the bush administration. The story is it was for operations overseas, and much of it was. These are off the books operations. During the obama years this recruiting effort to hire x military from all branches was stepped up, the reason is they have been trained to keep secrets. Its my understanding that they get paid about 150k a year each. They plan the events years in advance, placing people into communities and setting up the operation for the main FF event. I suspect there is well over 100,000 members. This is covert operations. Imagine what you can do with a 100,000 people, especially when you and the all the major media outlets under your control. In fact many of the JSOC players are in the press, are in congress, senate, top positions in states such as AG, Top state police positions, Governors, Judges etc. A literal takeover has been happening.
It was kind of obvious to me the main purpose of many of these events was to project a negative profile of people who have guns. I actually believe that perhaps it was a needed thing, to disarm the population of America.
To change a constitution amendment is very difficult. (2nd) I concluded that perhaps a modern society don't need to be armed into the future, like so many other countries. So I sort of justified what they were doing was OK. I think or thought that perhaps it was just part of the conscious driving process that was needed to make society safer. I understood that race relations and crime in general statistically are down across the board. I understand that there is always going to be some racism, but it seemed as though we were over much of it in general terms and things were getting continually better as far as race relations were going.
After obama was elected things seemed good as far a race problems, race relations further improved, but problems still existed, always probably will. I just figured they were doing what they were doing to stamp out race problems, after all if you have a lingering small problem your trying to eliminate, you make things seems worse than the really are. I also just figured it was maybe important with the idea of, "if we can't accept ourselves or each other, how can we accept our space brothers". As they may look, act, radically different from humans.
So over the last few days of hearing "Defund the Police" and hearing our Governor Gretchen Whitmer standing with the calls of the protestors, I have concluded the following.
Defund the Police - is a form of double speak, I am very familiar with this technique learned it from my Free mason library.
Defund the Police is double speak for- Disarm the police.
Now as much as you think that may be crazy, what does disarming the police mean? Well is it that hard to guess? Look at England and other countries where the police don't carry guns as the general rule. There is always authorities with guns and always will be. But beat cops don't have guns in the UK.
Point I am getting at here is "Defund the Police means Disarm the Beat Cop, means the populations must be disarmed first.
Next false flags will be white guys shooting up bunch of protestors, the next mass shooting.
Next false flags will be more cops shooting black people - way to keep the pressure up, and we are seeing that.
There is going to be an event that is very big and will push politicians to radically change the 2nd amendment. HR5717 is being pushed very hard right now. It will make purchasing a weapon very expensive. I believe the next mass event will outright destroy much of what is left of the 2nd amendment and will go far beyond HR5717. America is going to be like the UK or like the Aussie's, you can't own a weapon unless your a farmer in the boonies, away form populations, to control vermin and coyotes. You will have to pay big bucks to keep your weapons, except the farmer and they will have to be kept at a separate location, such a controlled secured gun club, like they do in the UK.
Of course there is always one of my theories that the aliens wants us disarmed for easier control.
From what I understand even the good aliens are scared to death of us and would never walk openly amongst knowing we are armed. They already think were crazy stupid. We tend to fear what we don't understand to the point of even destroying what we don't understand. Historically its the human MO.
Link of beginnings of JSOC expansion, not just for off book military kill missions.
You can google this phrase, "defund the police" suddenly there is now dozens of stories on what that means. Sounds like a planned phrase. For disarming everyone.
Link to " What does Defunded the Police Mean" Depends on who you ask. Ask me? It means disarm the police and citizenry.