This viewing session assumes that we're living in a prison planet.
very entertaining viewing/sessions.
but, not a valid reading. courtney's target has the motive, intended by courtney himself. you simply cannot choose targets in such manner.
to give you an example.
if I choose a target and sit next to a viewer, viewer can access me to unveil the target. viewer sees what I see the target as, not what the target actually is. this happens almost always when I am physically close to the viewer, yet sometimes, this happens when I am from a distance from the viewer.
say the target is an orange and the question is to describe the color. If I, as a target coordinator, choose the target orange and believe that to be red, the viewer will perceive the target as red, not orange.
question needs to be filtered and very very specific in detail to be free from ALL biases.
views can access whatever the philosophy/belief that courney has and manifest it in the viewing without them ever knowing it.
i won't go too deep into this.
anyways, we had exponential population growth over the past 500 years especially. we don't have enough "souls" to recycle back to earth. this is really a human-level thinking, most likely courtney's belief.
non-physical beings do not need to reincarnate to physical beings. non-physicals do not need to influence other beings, why would they ever be imprisoned? why would anyone/beings want to imprison the others? it is a logical fallacy.
earth may be the prison planet as courney wants to believe. but it really doesn't mean anything. physical manifestation and non physical co-exists and it cannot not be bound by something artificial. it exists without the bound of space and time. that's why anyone can remote view.
i don't agree with coutney's targets and his methods nor his belief. but i respect him for making this video nonetheless.
It is a good point of view, but with so many experienced years , do you think Courney and his team didn't know how to do to avoid such a problem? But I do agree that these are just glimps , not the entire TRUTH.And about souls, as I "understand" from other sources, the souls are not Earthly, they come from different places, so it could be hundreds of billions of souls.
This is my understanding of "soul."
A soul is what people may call as "ether." It manifest into conscious being by design, yet it dissolve into the nature, also by design.
This "soul" can occupy a single physical person (physical manifestation) or multiple person.
The concept itself is very abstract that I'm having trouble describing here.
Most of us human living in this planet earth shares the common "soul"
this is universal. we may call it a spirit of the earth. it holds all emotions and knowledge of our history.
some do re-incarnate with specific intent. these people still shares the common soul with the rest of us.
Nothing in this world comes from "other worldly" place, other than the original intent(creator/god intent)
also, the misconception of layman's term for soul is that is it is somehow individualistic. It's not. You and I share the same soul dear friend.
Seung Park- I do NOT agree with you. As a person who remembers (and has investigated those memories when I can, I will tell you this is VERY VERY real. There are death traps on Venus, Mars, and the asteroid belt. It is the one in the asteroid belt I recall most clearly. It looked like an amusement park. The souls wander (forced) from "ride" to "ride". Each one with it's own zap. Once I was shanghaied into working for them. They shot me into a robot body. I was put in a room that had a window into another room. When an is-be entered that room in the window, I pulled a lever which zapped him. I didn't like doing this so after a while I stopped doing it. Then they replaced me. I got the impression replacing zappers was common.
I have many friends who also remember death traps. I was told by one there was once a trap in the Florida Everglades. There are probably other remote sites on earth, Maybe Courtney can remote view for existing traps on earth, then go there and demolish them.
Seung - new prisoner souls are being dumped here all the time. I would say that for every living person, there are hundreds, thousands of disembodied souls. Most are too weak to inhabit bodies, so they don't reincarnate. Or they won't until the population level is so high that there are bodies for those who can't fight for them.