I've watched a good handful of the Farsight Movies that are available, and I started to notice a trend. All the movies I watched seemed to conclude some of the most commonly known or believed conspiracies related to that topic. For instance, Epstein was killed in his prison cell, the WTC had bombs in it during 9/11, there were multiple JFK shooters, etc. Are there any Movies that don't follow the common conspiracy narrative?
The common-conspiracy narrative ? 19 terrorists with box-cutters who hi-jacked 4 planes is not itself a «conspiracy» narrative ? A lone-gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald who «single-handèdly» shot & killed John F. Kennedy probably doesn't count as a «conspiracy» since «conspiracy» by definition requires two or more persons to collaborate on a criminal-activity.
«Some believe that the shootings were a 'conspiracy' because Martin was left handed, and he was reported to have fired the weapon from the hip using his right hand, and managed 19 head shot kills. A seemingly impossible possibility even for a trained gunman. He _was_ possessed by a very powerful spirit who knew exactly what he was doing.»
-Quoted from http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/islam/web/pete.htm
«The limits of debate in this country are established long before the debate even begins, and, everybody is marginalised, made to seem either communist, or, some sort of dis-loyal person... kook, there's a word, and now,it's "conspiracy!" See? They've made that... something that can't be entertained for even a moment, that, powerful-people... MIGHT get together, and, have a PLAN!!! O_O DOESN'T HAPPEN!!! You're a kook; you're a conspiracy buuuuuuff...» -George Carlin (1994CE on-stage performance before a time-alteration removed this specific-segment from existence out of history and is no longer part of his "on-stage" performance...)
Logical-Fallacies of MSM. Ad-Hominems. Ad-Populum. Straw-Man. Poisoning the Well. Muddying the Waters. Appeal-to-Ridicule. Genetic-Fallacy. Hasty Generalisation. Guilt-by-Association. All of these are extremely unproductive and Anti-Scientific.
And the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 was also changed/altered/repealed in 2012; its original-purpose made it illegal for «news» (so-called) organisations to push & promote «propaganda» upon the American-people. And America does indeed have a history of propaganda.
A history that convinced women that it was sexy to become smokers.
A history that convinced Americans that unhealthy foods were healthy.
And there is a saying that history repeats itself. Spoiler: It hasn't stopped repeating.