following up on the Moon session, if the Moon was introduced in a precise manner, this would have, in turn, introduced the lunar calendar, which has some interesting properties!
The Greek astronomer, Meton of Athens, linked 19 solar years (6,939.6 days) with 235 lunar months, which was used to calculate eclipses.
The lunar calendar of course determined holy days for several religions and cultures, the Babylonion, Greek, Hebrew, and Gregorian calendars conform to the Metonic cycle, for example.
Further, the word Allah occurs 2698 times in the Quran, which is 19 x 142, and there are 114 chapters (Suras), 19 x 6. (Apparently, there are a stunning amount of mathematical alignments found in the structure of this book!)
But there's more.
In chemistry, potassium (19 protons) is essential for life, critical for nerve pulses, muscle function and maintaining homeostasis
In the brain, 19Hz has been found to be peak performance for the pre-frontal cortex, associated with theta and alpha brainwave states, associated with creativity and meditation, but also that frequency has been linked to inducing paranormal encounters, such as ghost sightings.
Mathematically, 19 is a prime and a Marsenne prime, that is, one of small set of numbers that can generate prime number from 2^n-1, or, in other words, 2^19-1 is a prime number.
In the Asian strategy board game, Go, the board is 19 rows and columns.
In music theory, the 19-tone equal temperament, where the octave was divided into 19 equal-width steps was introduced in Renaissance era.
In particle physics, 19MeV is an energy threshold at which some particles decay, that is a particle collision may require at least 19 MeV of energy for the creation of a certain type of particle, for example, heavy mesons and baryons has a resonance energy near 19MeV.
in neural networks, 19 is the "sweet spot" for the number of layers for image recognition models (e.g. the VGG19 convolutional neural network architecture). And, some pruning or compression techniques result in 19% remaining neurons or weights after optimization, reflecting natural thresholds for sparse networks.
This started off from ChatGPT speculating on the numerological representation of Amen/Amun being 1-9, a combination of divine truth (1) and completion of that truth (9). Amun was a creator god in Egyptian religion.
But, these were the most solid things that I could externally verify based on ChatGPT generated research. The other interesting number is 26..