Just saw the remote viewing session with remote viewers Algire and Smith. Referring to Daz Smith's two or three personalities he picked up on in Hitler and Dick Algire's "demon" that he said looked back at him, I'm wondering if Hitler was physically possessed. The Nazi party was heavily into the occult and I'm wondering if Hitler allowed himself to be possessed for added power.
Also, Algire drew a picture of a cemetery out in the country as he described it. This doesn't jive with the death of Hitler we are told if that was indeed what Algire was referring to. So, did Hitler die somewhere else, as some conspiracy theorists believe? As in another country such as Argentina which had a strong Nazi contingent? And what was the secret he died with?
He was high on cocaine half the time that's why you see him moving back and forth in his seat in some of videos. That is also what lost him the war. At first, the fallen entities kept guiding him, but eventually he got so into his drugs that he couldn't think clearly and made bad decisions. He said the blonde Nordic "super men" frightened him when they came to him. The blonde Nordics are just reptilians using cloned hybrid meatsuits.
The Terra Papers by Robert Morning Sky include how an Orion psych team was influencing him to overthrow the control system they had in place in the world so the Orions could come back.