Hi Courtney,
Most fascinating remote viewings of Jesus. A confirmation and follow up to Jaz Smith's viewing. I have often wondered when I read the Bible if I were not reading Bible Script and not Bible Scripture. There are nuggets of wisdom in the Bible, but it cannot be the Word of God totally, otherwise God is tripping all over himself with contradictions in the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, not to mention other biblical books, as well.
So, if the Bible is script, then who wrote the script, or who channeled the script through its authors? ?Would that be a topic of interst?
The Buddha is only the second remote viewing I have thus far watched, but also fascinating. I have been training under a Master for years now and he has often talked about the Buddha, his life as a Prince, and then deciding to leave two wives and children to
pursue enlightenment. Yet, even such an evolved being was subject to the "death traps" you mention.
One of the viewers mentioned that Buddha rushed to reincarnate again, to warn others. So, what would his subsequent life been as?
Most fascinating. I'll move onto the next viewing.
Richard Brandon