This is the November ET Board Meeting between the Farsight remote viewers and two extraterrestrials. The date of the meeting is 13 November 2024. If there is anything that characterizes the Farsight contribution, it is that we are NOT special. Anything we can do, YOU can do better. We do consider ourselves an "authorized" group who can speak authoritatively about the activities of the extraterrestrials, especially the so-called "Good ETs". But by no means should this be interpreted to mean that we are the only group who can interact with the ETs. We feel certain that if Farsight ever positioned itself as the "one and only source" for you to get accurate information about the extraterrestrials, then the extraterrestrials themselves would drop us like a rock. The entire underlying purpose of all that we do is to show people how to free themselves from this prison planet, and following any ONE source as the absolute TRUTH is the surest way to lose your way. As our audience, your job is to make us obsolete, and for you to communicate with the extraterrestrials. The big thing on our side in terms of methodology is to have a quiet mind. That is why we emphasize meditation before we do anything at Farsight. So if you learn anything from Farsight, let it be that...quiet the mind and listen.
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Up Next in 2024 Season
Farsight ET Board Meeting: It Begins ...
This is the October ET Board Meeting between the Farsight remote viewers and two extraterrestrials. The date of the meeting is 23 October 2024. If there is anything that characterizes the Farsight contribution, it is that we are NOT special. Anything we can do, YOU can do better. We do consider o...
Farsight ET Board Meeting: The Crisis...
This is the September ET Board Meeting between the Farsight remote viewers and two extraterrestrials. If there is anything that characterizes the Farsight contribution, it is that we are NOT special. Anything we can do, YOU can do better. We do consider ourselves an "authorized" group who can spe...
Farsight ET Board Meeting: August 2024
This is a real Board Meeting at Farsight with two extraterrestrials. The meeting took place August 2024.