Bob Lazar's story is more complicated than most can imagine. This is the real deal.
Table of Contents (Time in minutes:seconds during video):
⦁ Courtney's Introduction - 0:00
⦁ Yeme Jeaneé Introduction - 2:52 - 9:53
⦁ UFO Footage - 8:27
⦁ Intysam Session - 9:53
⦁ Target Reveal Intysam - 28:01
⦁ Aziz Brown Session - 35:44
⦁ Target Reveal Aziz Brown - 58:15
⦁ Yeme Jeaneé Session - 1:12:49
⦁ Target Reveal Yeme Jeaneé - 1:25:23
⦁ Shantae Session - 1:26:09
⦁ Target Reveal Shantae - 1:48:41
⦁ Summary Comments - 1:57:57
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Up Next in UAPs/UFOs
Base on Mars
This is Farsight's full remote-viewing documentary on the base on Mars that is shown in NASA/JPH/Malin Space Science Systems photographs.
Table of Contents (Time in minutes:seconds during video):
⦁ Introduction - 0:00
⦁ UFO Footage - 2:23
⦁ Aziz Brown Session - 9:36
⦁ Kahmia Dunson Session - 42...