We peer into the heads of Pope Francis and his closest Vatican advisors to see what they really know about the real historical Jesus.
Table of Contents (Time in minutes:seconds during video):
⦁ Introduction - 0:00
⦁ Intysam Session - 16:31
⦁ Aziz Brown Session - 39:49
⦁ Shantae Session - 1:07:39
⦁ Yeme Jeaneé Session - 1:36:52
⦁ Summary Comments - 2:07:36
Up Next in Religion
Jesus and the Crucifixion
Table of Contents (Time in minutes:seconds during video):
⦁ Introduction - 0:00
⦁ Intysam Session - 16:00
⦁ Aziz Brown Session - 49:12
⦁ Shantae Session - 1:09:09
⦁ Kahmia Dunson Session - 1:34:57
⦁ Yeme Jeaneé Session - 2:04:51
⦁ Summary Comments - 2:54:29 -
The Prophet Muhammad
Target 1: The Meetings Between Muhammad and Gabriel
⦁ Introduction - 0:00
⦁ Intysam session - 9:41
⦁ PrinCess Jeaneé - 21:04
⦁ Aziz Brown session - 32:13
Target 2: The Farthest Mosque, Heaven, and Hell
⦁ Intysam session - 40:30
⦁ PrinCess Jeaneé - 58:31
⦁ Aziz Brown session - 1:12:01
⦁ Concluding...