The Origin of the Coronavirus Pandemic (Farsight Project): TRAILER
Origin of the Coronavirus Pandemic
This is the trailer for the remote viewing documentary on the origin of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Coronavirus, or COVID-19, as some call it. Easily the worst global pandemic since the outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1918. One of the most contagious diseases known to man, and potentially deadly, especially to the weak, immune compromised, or elderly. But anyone can be affected, and it is near impossible to avoid the virus entirely. National leaders have gotten it, or those surrounding them have gotten it. And the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic have been devastating.
Did this thing just sprout up out of nowhere? Everyone knows that it seems to have started in Wuhan, China. But after that, many say that it came from a bat, perhaps one that was connected in some way with a market in Wuhan. We have also heard that perhaps this virus burst into the human realm due to an accident in a Chinese lab in Wuhan that was studying such bat originating viruses. We have heard so many stories, and so many claims that appear to be conflicting. It has gotten to the point where it is difficult know what to believe based on what people are saying. So many people seem to be protecting special interests, or attacking favorite enemies. It is all a mess from a news media point of view, and the scientific side of things isn’t much better. Now we have remote-viewing data, collected under blind and clean conditions using highly trained and experienced remote viewers, all with extensive public track records. Raw data that no one else can contaminate or bias.
With clear and coherent sessions presented by PrinCess Jeanee, Aziz Brown, Kahmia Dunson, Melena Hall, and Trudy Benjamin, and from the perspective of the remote-viewing data, here are descriptions of events that appear to have influenced the emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic.