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by Adam M Burkhardt · Suggestions for New Projects · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 272 views · 4 replies

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by james p callahan · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 766 views · 12 replies

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by Isaac Cordova · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 423 views · 3 replies

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by David Lyon · General FarsightPrime Discussions · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 409 views · 2 replies

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by Barbara Gale Spencer · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 317 views · 1 reply

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by james p callahan · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 277 views · 2 replies

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by Vaidas Sarsevicius · Suggestions for New Projects · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 1,614 views · 15 replies

15 Replies

by STEVEN PURDY · Suggestions for New Projects · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 285 views · 0 replies


by Jean-Antoine de Saint-Exupery · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 1,297 views · 25 replies

25 Replies

by Allen Cooper · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 216 views · 0 replies


by Patricia L Haworth · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 274 views · 6 replies

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by james p callahan · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 310 views · 3 replies

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by Justine Marie DaFermo · Suggestions for New Projects · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 246 views · 2 replies

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by james p callahan · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 376 views · 3 replies

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by james p callahan · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 220 views · 1 reply

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by Hans Baumann Jr. · General FarsightPrime Discussions · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 339 views · 5 replies

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by Isaac Cordova · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 376 views · 0 replies


by Kent Fallman · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 710 views · 12 replies

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by Greg · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 220 views · 0 replies


by Nameless · Suggestions for New Projects · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 290 views · 3 replies

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by Patricia L Haworth · General FarsightPrime Discussions · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 907 views · 38 replies

38 Replies

by johnny ytzen · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 402 views · 3 replies

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by Del · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 1,115 views · 48 replies

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by Jean-Antoine de Saint-Exupery · General FarsightPrime Discussions · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 6,832 views · 111 replies

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by Howard S. Bernstein · General · · over 3 years ago over 3 years ago · 306 views · 2 replies

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