Thoth's ibis head could be a kind of space helmet interfacer with humans and earth kind of thing. It was on top of his head, and was a technology to enable the alien to adapt to the environment, and to communicate with a different species. Or it could be organic, in very old times I do believe those half one animal, half another animal were real. It's just that we are all thinking he's an ET, and shit, even an I watch is even smaller than that head device.
Thoth, Hermès Trismegistus
The main reason I’d like this RVed is actually because I’d like Tom is if the information in the Emerald Tablets can be trusted. The Emerald Tablets talk about freeing ones self from negative “sent” energy, which relates to what they are talking about in another Farsight thread about psychic warfare and attack. TheEmerald Tablets talk about the aliens who feed on the energy of humans and how they are brought into our realm with blood sacrifices. They talk about how to enter and move through time and space and how to avoid being captured by the guardians. I mean all very helpful information, is it true and was it meant to help us?
So I guess what I ACTUALLY would like RVed is the Emerald Tablets.
Who wrote them, was their intention altruistic or negative?
If we knew that much, we could at least know whether or not training in the techniques taught in the book would be worthwhile.
So I guess I need to start a new thread about RVing the Emerald Tablets, because that is what I really want to know about.
This entity need to be investigated.