The viewer will perceive and describe the tasker, Manuel, in the middle of his last life before he was born on planet Earth, whereas "life" refers to the time between birth and death of the physical body.
The viewer will focus on the following subjects:
Subject A: Manuel at the target time.
Subject B: Manuel's closest friend or trusted person at the target time.
Data provided by Tazz:
Data provided by Aéius Cercle:
Because of the data Tazz provided, I added more subjects to get a clearer picture of the species. I started to experiment with the wording of the target to see wether it makes a difference. Interestingly, my impression was that Tazz got a clearer picture of subject D:
Subject C: A random person of the species Manuel belongs to at the target time.
Subject D: A random person of the species Manuel, the tasker, belongs to at the target time, whereas species refers to the physical body as seen through the eyes of a member of that species at the target time.
So, tasking the viewer to look through the eyes of another person seems to make a difference. Unfortunately, there's not enough data to come to strong conclusions. With subjects E and F, I wanted to know wether the "subspace mind" distinguishes between Manuel the tasker and Manuel the viewer, as both have the same name:
Subject E: Manuel, the tasker, at the target time.
Subject F: Manuel, the viewer, at the target time.
There was no data provided regarding subjects E and F.