One thing I noticed with RV and targets.
I practice with targets of 2 sorts... (1) The ones I find online on RV sites and (2) targets that some friends make for me. People who are not familiar with RV. They follow my guidelines and try to become good "taskers".
One time a friend - who was setting a target for the first time - made a mistake. The target was a location he wanted me to describe. A quiet secret beach somewhere on a mediterranean island with a rocky gritty shore.
I reported different things: I talked about a possible cave or tunnel... with an open roof... about a car involved... and a group of young handsome people... good looking joyful free yoga hipsters... I described their mood and so on... I kept seeing a woman as a main caracter.
When the target was revealed I was a bit shocked (I am never that far off) so I asked my friend to send me the word file he had written for the target... I wanted to see his paper.
I found out he had done it wrong... He had written the name of the locaton at the top. And below somewhere he wrote "the viewer shall describe the following target" and just bellow he pasted a LINK to an article about the beach location.
THE ARTICLE HE CHOSE was not a pure descriptive text... like a WIKIPEDIA or encyclopedic description of the location. It was an article from a RBNB not far from there that added a STORY about this place... a story involving a young couple from a scandinavian country... who uses a car to visit a third person... a friend of them who lived in cave on the shore for 2 months...
Also out of the 10 pictures on this article showing the beach, 8 of them showed a young woman posing like a model : the beach was only the background. This woman was at the center of the target.
CONCLUSION: My friends was sloppy and new to this... He did not notice that what he did made the ARTICLE become the target... What I was clearly remote viewing was the CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE... telling a LITTLE STORY invovling the location... a story about a woman posing and a group of people moving to another place further on the shore, using a car, visiting a grotto where someone lives and so on and so on...
I think this is what happened here. The mind of the viewers percieved the CONTENT of what FS was working on. Not so much the team itself because there is not much to see (a group of people filming each other is too CASUAL to be picked up in comparison w/ the topic being studied which is very SPECIAL and worth our mind's attention when we RV.)
The topics here were probably a modern War and/or Easter Island.