Farsight is all about freedom. Remote viewing is our path to freedom. Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. Free from the censors, here we publish videos that are as revealing as they are entertaining, wise, and thought provoking. We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. We show you what reality actually is, and how each of us can change it.
Just about everybody knows of the name of Jesus even in the spirit-worlds and also amongst many of the aliens & extra-terrestrials know who he was and his significance. Christians should consider this...
Whether the «entity» was the actual «Jesus» or not the message within does speak specific-truths that revolve around why I kind of need Donald Trump to be up there for a «military unification» plan..
...just in case there are any self-professing «Christians» (although this applies to any religion) who are reading this, remember the words of Yeshua ben Yosef (Jesus) himself, who said: «Hypocrites! First remove the beam/log out of your own eye(s) so that you may see clearly before you try to remove the sliver/speck-of-dust out of the eye of your brother/neighbour true who is simply/merely trying to help/assist you !» and be not like those who mistake one tree for being representative of a whole entire forest; the «Church-Approved» «bible» or «Church-Narrative» is akin to being a single tree which «ignores» the rest of the Forest;
Or it is like one of the Five Blind Men who are describing the «Elephant» wherein none of them describe the Elephant as an actual Elephant, but, a Rope, a Curtain, a Tree-Trunk, a Spear, a Hose, etc.; if your «Pastor» or «Preacher» tells you «don't even look into it» nor «don't even read it» or «don't listen» then the Blind is Leading the Blind & Both Fall Into a Pit.
The other day, I encountered a man who told me that he wanted to kill himself, and, whilst I could not tell him that it was necessarily immoral to commit his own suicide (a friend of his had also already committed suicide the previous week), I did say that neither would it be «healthy» for him either, and, I attempted to tell him about the fact that the after-life exists, and, that the destruction of the physical-body does not end one's pain, for, suffering still continues on even within realms-of-spirit, and, many suicides do end up as what are called: Earth-Bound Spirits
He of course was curious as to why I «believed» this, but, the workings of the «after-life» are simply «obvious» to me which I literally «take for granted» just like one takes for granted that «the sun will rise tomorrow morning» so I needed to point towards more «evidence» that backs up the evidence for the factual-reality of the existence of an after-life; I of course pointed towards the book by Ian Currie: «You Cannot Die : The Incredible Findings of a Century of Research on Death»
Alas, he said he wasn't going spend money on it, even though I pointed out the fact that no $$$ needs to be spent when a copy can be borrowed from a public library if they have it available (or they can order a copy if they don't have one). Then he went on to say he wasn't going to bother reading it because he was sure that he wasn't going to believe it anyway; then I pointed out the fact that the author and various researchers mentioned within do happen to be highly credentialed people, such as doctors, university professors, scientists, etc., and, whether or not he'd be willing to read it in order to point out all of the flaws an errors that exist in their publications in order to prove that they're wrong and are engaged in sloppy science or pseudo-science.
Then what happens next: Then he says that he's listened to all of the «religious people» before who tells them to read their book (Remote-Viewing without using any kind of ASRV-Protocol informed me that these were typically those Fundamentalist & Evangelical-Types whose «Apologetics» is of course obviously very weak in comparison to real science), but, I otherwise offered & posited it as a «challenge» for him to prove those doctors, scientists, university professors, etc., wrong.
What I probably should have also mentioned was that these authors, doctors, university professors, scientists, researchers, etc., were actually NOT «religious» people, yet, they came to the inescapable-conclusion that re-incarnation does in fact exist and, for that matter, many of these researchers actually started out trying to «de-bunk» the notion that there was any such thing as an after-life or re-incarnation, only to find out that they simply proved its existence; and, it's worth repeating, that, THEY WERE NOT RELIGIOUS PEOPLE. Let me repeat: THEY. WERE. NOT. RELIGIOUS. PEOPLE. Yet, they managed to prove the existence of the after-life, and re-incarnation, for anybody who has the capability to be intellectually honest, but, this is not necessarily relevant to the video posted here about the Secret Book of John; the point is that «Wisdom» can come from «unexpected sources» (see 1 Corinthians 1:27 wherein it is stated that God uses the [seemingly] Foolish Things of the World to Confound the Wise; i.e.: the «know-it-alls» will be «humbled» or the «True Wisdom» is kept «hidden» from the arrogant because of their arrogance and they never arrive at Pure-Truth)...
Suicide-Rates are increasing in the world for various reasons which is why I did the Tangent.
From the comments-section...:
«Bart is more convincing. He listens more, does not cut off the other speaker, brings more evidence-based points, and says "I don't know" more often. To me that makes him a much more honest conversationist, and Justin seems to be looking for a "Gatcha moment". I am a Christain, and I said this.» -@GimbaGoyo (1 year ago)
«Justin Bass and his actions of continously interrupting Bart Ehrmam convinces me that Justin Bass might be afraid that his argument isn't strong enough.» @cynthiaboyd1710 (1 year ago)
«I’m a Christian, but man, Bart’s patience here is almost Christ-like.» @alexmaksimov3888 (1 year ago)
«I believe the audience was misled. I watched the debate because I thought it was about whether one had evidence that Jesus was risen from the dead. What I heard instead was Justin Bass ramble on about his Christian faith. Bart Ehrman exhibited scholarship and emotional control. As a curious christian person, Professor Ehrman won this debate hands down.» @philliproyal4920 (6 months ago)
I ADD this here because, around a week or two ago, a self-professing «Agnostic» (who clearly wasn't a real Agnostic; he was more of a Christian-Apologist) tried to «debate» against the notion that Jesus wasn't actually crucified; his «attitude» towards Dr. Bart D. Ehrman was that he wasn't a «real biblical-scholar» and instead quoted a bunch of «Christian-Apologetics» «biblical-scholars» whom he claimed «knew more» or «knows more» about the «bible» than Dr. Bart D. Ehrman, and attempting to show him the «Jesus & The Crucifixion» Remote-Viewing Project resulted in him basically... behaving just like that Justin Bass guy and ultimately being all «this is all just a bunch of B.S.» during Dr. Courtney Brown's pre-explanation of the Crucifixion-Project.
This is the video in question in regards to the comments that were copy-pasta'd...
I finish this thread-update with the following quote...:
«Those who think themselves first shall be the last and those whom they deem to be the last shall be the first to arrive in [the real] heaven ahead of them... assuming that those who falsely believe themselves to have a guarantee into heaven EVER arrive in the ACTUAL heaven...» (Para-Phrased of Course, but, Para-Phrased as the Voluntary Successor to the Returned/Re-Incarnated Messiah himself, for purposes of CLARIFYING the FULL-CONTEXT behind the original-teachings that had managed to be preserved, particularly as it pertains to Spiritual-Reality & Spiritual-Truth...)
This time, I am adding a «Ex-Christian» (or at least a Ex-JW) clip here, recently uploaded as of yesterday. I am very much aware that there will be many, Many, MANY people who become «dis-illusioned» with «religion» throughout these times, and, many of you who may be in that category can certainly feel very rather alone & isolated in your experiences. I drop this here so that you will know that you are not alone, that there are also others who go through your experiences, and, that you do have a «recovery path» that is available to you (multiple). Remember, just because a belief is popular does not make it truthful, and, just because a belief is unpopular doesn't make it incorrect. Relationships & friendships are easier to form when others can «relate» with and to what you're going through...