Maybe we can help Farsight with some suggestions or ideas to be put onto the agenda of the next ETBM in December.
FS could eventually become more proactive and discuss certain topics concerning the coming events and the overall goals of the board. We may also be able to support the good ETs and their goals with some ideas or activities from the human side. I am sure we could do more than just watching the sky for UFOs.
Do you have any proposals?
Some of us have been doing a lot more than just watching the skies though. There is far more happening in the world than many can see. The physical consists of only a very small piece of the puzzle as that's what the Anunnaki locked humanity into, but on the other frequency levels there's a huge humdrum of activity all around us. The people just seem programmed to wait only for the odd ufo sighting lol.
Right now, we need to know what will happen in the next few months, because that will determine many things for most/all of us. The controllers are hellbent on pushing us to the brink of nuclear chaos with the end goal of bringing in their NWO one way or another. Outside of that, not much that is interesting when we're just one step away now from full nuclear bombs falling.
In terms of the "good" ETs...that's all scripted. This is coming from experience. There have been warnings for decades now by many people that this deception is coming and humanity needs to turn within and only trust itself. Your own salvation is by maintaining your Will and reconnecting with your spirit. The rest is just a drama to enthrall you into the game so humans keep playing it. The lockdown of this world has been going on since the Atlantean times at a good 13 000 years, but even before that there were wars on this planet between different negative alien factions for control of this world.
What can we take from this concerning the topic of this thread? Should Farsight question the intent and integrity of the board itself and confront them?
Always question everything. I do like Courtney's viewings, but at the same time anyone can be manipulated. I've gone down that road myself many times where I questioned if I was and analyzed everything I had dealt with to see where it's leading to.
spread Farsight et board meetings throughout the web, something I've been doing for quite some time now.. due to "them" showing up more the level of sightings and recordings are increasing, now people are trying to understand what's going on, so this is a great opportunity for spreading the message.
meanwhile practice and develop psychic abilities, remote viewing, direct remote viewing and so on.
Do you think FS should put that on the next board agenda?
i don't feel like it, after all this can be considered normal procedure, something normal as humans which is spreading the message that we believe society needs to hear. We don't need a group of ET to say this, i think the focus could be more deep than this, like an approach to Farsight members and also the rest of the people, which in some way is already happening..
Meanwhile... while spreading the links of Et board meeting throughout the channels, i've notice they got erased in every one of them, this could be because of Youtube guidelines which they don't allow people sharing accounts i believe, another cause could be putting links in the comment section, or another one could be Farsight being targeted, nevertheless i once again replied to the comment section of the same channels but this time without links in it to see if they get erased or not.
Just a quick update, i've checked the youtube accounts where i did respond in the comment section about Farsight ET board meeting, this time i did without any links but still then every comment on every channel i responded was deleted.. the question i only have is: is it because i talked about another youtube account ( Farsight ) and youtube sees this as promoting other channels or is Farsight being targeted?!
See also these questions by (New) Pat & others:
I first like to repost a citation from another thread and then come to a suggestion (one might go through this thread to retrace the subject) I have for a topic for discussion and maybe even to propose to the allies:
"I just try to analyse the "Good ET's" agenda within the FS universe: They respect human-"Bad ET" contracts and free will decisions. They have a non-interference rule. So they are acting within a certain set of rules. The [US Gov-Bad ET] contract is secret and has been established under circumstances of false pretext (Byrd-Antarctica-Nazi-threat), this contract is also interfering with the free will of individual ISBEs (abductions, etc.). The contract is also against the law the ISBEs gave themselves. The secrecy of the contract and the memory wipe outs hinder the ISBEs to come to realise that somebody is interfering with their free will and thus to declare the contract invalid. It hinders the ISBEs also to realise that there is a threat by the Bad ETs and also to be able to ask the Good ETs to help to reestablish their free will. So - I have to conclude - the free will of the ISBEs (we are talking of many ISBEs, not a single one) has a lower ranking than the Non-Interference rule. There must be a ranking of the rules which gives a higher priority to a "collective" decision.
But this decision must also have already been somehow "softened" - UAPs have already been seen on Earth. That is interference! There is also a "disclosure" process underway - no doubt about this! It has already been started and can only be stopped by more interference against the free will.
The communication with FS is also interference. "
... So the good ETs are already interfering with humanity in form of low-level interference with FS and they want to show themselves (or their ships) even physically and more frequently in the sky. They have even requested the FS audience to take part and support their actions (or action-plan) by observing the sky, taking pictures and videos.
We thus clearly see a pathway to a more DIRECT interference.
At the other hand, they have been adressing the critical problem of the narrow timeframe for disclosure and possible countermeasures e.g. via censorship and disinformation by the Bad ETs and their allies among the humans. These countermeasures might obstruct their disclosure plan and thus endanger the goal of freeing humanity within a forseeable timeframe. As the ISBE memory will become wiped out several times within the alternative timeframe (next liberation attempt in 100s or even 1000s years) is not in our FREE WILL interest to let this happen. Advanced technologies (e.g. AI, Human-Computer Interfaces, Nanotechnology + Quantum Computing) might enable the complete wipe-out of freedom-relevant knowledge and abilities from humanity (such as RV procedures and abilities ...) in the near future.
It is thus necessary to create a situation where the disclosure process cannot be stopped any more by (currently possible) censorship and disinformation efforts.
I propose this could be done by a MASS SIGHTING EVENT ON LIVE TV where many "normal" people (at least 10 000 or more) see an UFO in close proximity, beeing able to videotape, witness and repost what they have seen on social media.
The attention of the rest of the world's population to these witness documentations should be gathered and secured via live TV distribution with a worldwide audience, making censorship attempts (nearly) impossible or doomed to failure.
The setup for such an action may best be an internationally watched sports event like a football match of UEFA Champions League or the mass-event new year's celebrations at the Times Square or Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, Brandenburg Gate in Berlin etc.
Within this context some additional measures should be considered:
- Physical evidence
To dismiss any debunking attempts (hologram, earth technology) a phsical interaction should be considered, e.g. either in form of landing imprints, take and give back the ball. etc. and/or in form of " mass giveaways" like small pieces of metamaterial foil with non-human-capable properties or a big amount of clearly destinguishable space-origin rocks or crystals which cannot be found on earth. These "givaways"/evidences should be harmless and have to be distributed in a way that cannot be contained by any authority's countermeasures. (Small, nice & easy to hide/ huge amounts, widely distributed around the place of the mass sighting.
- Positive Message
The mass event should be accompanied and eventually "prepared" with a positive message to avoid panic. "Have no fear", "We come in peace", "Get your phones ready to film" etc. and may also include a call to act or
FREEDOM Message:
- "Make yourselves free - RV is the key" (that meme would be very good for FS) or "Demand disclosure" or other message like "your govs know since al long time ago".
The messages could either be projected as a holgram, acoustically or in form of a telepathic message or even be displayed on existing panels/scoreboards via hacking.
(tbd folks...)
My suggestion for the next Board Meeting Agenda:
Congratulate the ETs for their bravery in becoming so visible.