Farsight is all about freedom. Remote viewing is our path to freedom. Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. Free from the censors, here we publish videos that are as revealing as they are entertaining, wise, and thought provoking. We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. We show you what reality actually is, and how each of us can change it.
C-60---We've seen lots of stuff around us- now with your sole analysis on this substance- YOU decide if its something for you are interested in . THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE- CHECK IT OUT FIRST AND RESEARCH IT.
My little testimonial. I use to drink at least 6-8 coffees a day to keep a awake. One day I heard that Green Tea helped keep the most aggressive bacteria away from teeth and gums. I immediately cut out coffee and switched to Green Tea. And I drank about 4 cups of tea and about 4 of water instead of coffee. I also stopped any type of candy, chocolate, sugar at the same time.
That little thing dropped my tiredness by 75%. Diet is important.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was remote viewed by Farsight. He was a very intriguing person.
I wonder if our health care of the future will change to be about what Nicola Tesla said about understanding the universe About Energy, frequency and vibration. And we are part of that universe.
The post above is about red light. That's an energy that's vibrating at a high rate so that it can penetrate into the skin.
A VERY INTERESTING THING. I don't know enough about it but at 14 min the scientist starts to point out an interesting thing. Its about how sound on earth also creates a frequency that exists in the Infrared energy level. Infrared means above the color of red light I believe, and less than microwave energy.
One person talks about the benefit of red light. And the next scientist talks about energy above red light energy. And he talks about all sorts of vibratory energy too. And he speculates on cancer treatments using these energies. Interesting for some perhaps and quite understandable information for the lay person.
I think this is going to be the new health care product that will start to eliminate many of the pharmaceuticals we consume now. Because energy wave frequencies will be prescribed for the future. We will lie in a bed and be bombarded with energy to cure our aliments.
And strangely there is that MED-BED rumor still out there as being a real thing. I suspect that med-bed is something using these energies. Someone is going to announce that "they" have just invented a bed that produces energy wave lengths that cures just about everything. Likely Elon Musk will be the inventor. But the bed is another one of those existing technologies that already exists but they need our stand in Genius Elon to take the credit. Watch for it !
If you go to TED TALKS you will now see all sorts of people climbing the stage to announce this "new thing".
This for many will be dry as the Sahara desert. However if you go to the middle you can come to the meat and potatoes. Its a scientific discussion that may save your life one day especially if you are young. Because the young dont really get cancer do they ? Well now they seem to be getting it. And Ivermectin and other substances as simple as Vitamin D are in play as are others.
The evidence of this scientist and cancer worker says then seem to work very well .
discussion from a preeminent Doctor in England--And every week we see another piece of evidence that "WE" (thats all the We's out there) were right all along !
Remember Pfizer bought a "turbo Cancer" company for 43 billion dollars after C0v1d. So it knows that purchase is going to pay off big time. Cancer is on its way. And these Cancers move and k1ll in about 3-6 months.
Now to those who think - what the hell is this bugs in the stomach stuff ?!
So look at this report on mitochondria - which is the power house of the cell. The Red Light post is really a lot about Mitochondria as well - so then you're not interested in infrared light either then.