The interview delivered by the ROSWELL alien in 1947 seems to be the main SOURCE of data for Farsight... and for many people.
It could be the source for SCIENTOLOGY as well. The editor of the story is a Scientologist. He said he burnt the original notes of Matilda, the nurse (why?)
This text seems to be the source for a long list of people... ancient alien "theorists" like Hancock... and Bauval who pretends he found out the pyramids are set to reflect the star positions of a constellation.
I just listened to it... and read it... It reminded me of CHAT GPT.... It seems made by the ET as if he was searching himself what he could find in his records and in our own records... I noticed it was very smart but with many glitches or lack of precision exactly like when AI does it.
It has a detailed EARTH timeline with more details than the LACERTA story (1999). And it comes from another ET group with different interests called THE DOMAIN.
This text seems to be Courtney's MAIN source for everything. The word IS-BE comes from here! Every Farsight concept comes from this story. The prison planet. The death trap. The Domain. The Old Empire. Every project and everthing at Farsight seems to follow (and want to validate) this text.
Sometimes I thought I was listening to Courtney speaking himself... even the small expressions like "SO TO SPEAK" :o)
My question is : does anyone here on this forum know about this text? what do you guys think? why does Farsight not reveal its source more clearly? specially such a CENTRAL one... It is THE BIBLE! Not only the concepts but even the INTERPRETATIONS are the same as Farsight's.
It seems what Courtney calls the GOOD ET's are simply the ones related to the THE DOMAIN.
This book is a true GOSPEL for humanity. But too many things seem to rely on this single source... or am I mistaken? Is this good? Can one relay so much on one text?
Do you feel like Farsight has been successfully validated this narrative?
Some info on my personal take after researching the Roswell event and the Alien Interview book contents over some years, for what it may be worth.
It is very difficult to validate most of the material from the book. We simply don't have access to be able to do it. We don't have an intimate personal connection to the inner sanctum of the Domain or the Domain Expeditionary Force or Airl or other personnel there, if they exist. To try and validate anything from our position here on planet is almost impossible.
There are other ISBE's on planet who claim to have contact with the Domain and there are some that have suggested such in this forum. It could either be true, that they are one of the Domain personnel stuck here as suggested in the book/s, or this whole thing is one very well created PSYOP. If we are not one of the lost Domain personnel, then how will we ever know? The Domain does not provide any solutions to exit the Prison Planet in the original book, other than we will have to do it ourselves.
To clarify, the Editor of the book is deceased. Yes, he admitted to being involved in Scientology at some stage in his life and it is clearly stated why he burnt the original material in the book. He actually did quite a bit of research himself to validate the material which is in the footnotes. In my opinion the footnotes are very important, not to be skipped. The Editor has claimed he couldn't write such a book from his imagination.
There is mention of several aspects which align with the book, provided by L Ron Hubbard in his lecture 'The Role of Earth' which was given in 1952. The interview took place in 1947. This connection opens up questions which would require some answers which will most likely not be forthcoming, like many regarding the book. The book was released in 2008.
There is a 'sequel' book, The Domain Expeditionary Force Rescue Mission. There is a solution provided to exit the Prison Planet. The Editor describes this book being a contrivance of his imagination, which contradicts his previous statement about him not being able to write the original book from his imagination. Who knows? Only he knows the reality of the books and their creation.
Thank you for the details.
FS's next project is about this book. It will be interesting.
I hope they will also probe SPENCER... the editor and possible real author.
Many people were wondering if Farsight had links to Scientology. Now it is more clear: Farsight's toolbox (concepts, vocabulary, interpretations) comes from one book... published by a Scientologist in 2008.
Some things seem to have been proven wrong by FS. They showed that Lao Tse and Buddha did not escape the death traps. It was the imagination of the author... He thought Buddah and Lao Tse "got it right" so he gave them a pass!
The dates for the destruction of Atlantis are very wrong. The text says the Egyptian priests who told the story to Solon gave the date of 1,500 BC (which is the date for Santorini.) This is not correct for Atlantis: the date given by the Egyptians to Solon is 9,600 BC. Accroding to Plato's text, it is very clear; 9,000 years before Solon. (They had their base outside the Mediterrenean near Morrocco and they were exploiting resources in North and South America.) What the ET is telling us about Atlantis/Santorini is inspired by HUMAN accademic data from the XXth century.
So the author must be a SMART being from the XXth century... a neo-gnostic who is presenting the results of his research in this form of "reality-fiction."
Funny how the Roswell ET character is rigid and very faithful to what he calls the Domain. He is an officier and says only what he is allowed to say. He is a believer and almost a sort of AI. He often repeats that NOBODY IS ABLE TO CHALLENGE THE DOMAIN.
FS did a project on Roswell and verified the reality of the crash. It seems it was a real UFO with real ET's... not an accident... it was intended... it was set up by a group of ET's in order to "make contact" with humanity. (If I remember well the FS video.)
Let us see how FS will treat this new project. I am very curious.
The beauty of SRV is that everyone can check directly... making our own projects. No need to believe anyone or anything.
"They showed that Lao Tse and Buddha did not escape the death traps."
That's not true. Lao Tse escaped despite being pulled into the light and being zapped. Airl was wondering how he managed to do that. Escaping the death traps by avoiding the light seems to be easier.
"What the ET is telling us about Atlantis/Santorini is inspired by HUMAN accademic data from the XXth century."
Yes. The book describes how Airl is learning the English language and human concepts by studying many books written by humans. She then uses that "knowledge" to translate what she knows. But she also mentions that the real Atlantis and Lemuria existed 70,000 years ago. I think the confusion stems from the fact that the term Atlantis was used in many different contexts.
"He is a believer and almost a sort of AI. He often repeats that NOBODY IS ABLE TO CHALLENGE THE DOMAIN."
Yeah, I got a lot of "resistance is futile" borg vibes from this. Airl being an AI is a possibility we should consider. The Domain seems to be a technocratic society with biological life as a lower class and technology as their "religion".
"not an accident... it was intended... it was set up by a group of ET's in order to "make contact" with humanity."
Just ask yourself: They are billions of years old and are technologically very advanced, but a simple lightning crashes their UFO by disconnecting the pilot's consciousness from the craft? Wouldn't that be an effective weapon to defeat them? It doesn't make any sense.