I can't resist putting in my 5 cents worth. Courtney said it, about the he said, she said thing. Everything here is he said or she said. That's the nature of talking 'about' what someone else said.
I agree with Courtney when he says that the 'truth' is very rare on earth at the moment. Not because it's not here, but because we are generally limited by our culture and our organs of perception. 'Clairvoiance' is never far away. Each of us is the instrument for that experience. Like any instrument, it needs to be 'callibrated' to work accurately. For some of us, that work has been done already but many of us still need to do that work.
Recognising how our 'higher' senses filter through the 'soul' demonstrates the importance of 'knowing oneself' and the unavoidable distortions that earth lives (and their related traumas) have on our perception of reality in the present.
I know that reality is far more interesting than we have been 'led' to believe.
Have fun, love each other ♡
Sorry, couldn't get this to reply under your post Artur.
Artur said.... maybe i wasn't clear enough, the reason for me to show this from Tony Rodriguez was about the viewer showing connections about the ship with those bases, which for me only reinforces the notion that she is dealing with the reps that operate/control the industrial military complex, as we seen in several projects, and not some fantasy bs about GF as she is constantly showing. Although this is only 2 min video that doesn't show much, that was my take and feeling.
Possibly yes - that was my thought too - the craft came from the DUMB - and there was only mention of Dani calling them in, not anyone else - and no GFW. There were also many other drawings in the sketches which would give context as well - but I don't know how many people did this RV Target and what (if any) the other data had to offer. Was it just Tony? Still was a great Target and RV session Tony did. Kudos to him!
Just another thought - was the craft actually a triangle?
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
Sorry Pat - I think you were referring to Arturs quote... so Im not sure if you're asking me, I think you're asking Artur -
Arturs quote: "...as we seen in several projects, and not some fantasy bs about GF as she is constantly showing. Although this is only 2 min video that doesn't show much, that was my take and feeling."
Pats response: ...Feeling being the last word here. You are not comfortable with the idea of humans doing destruction in a planned, calculated, and totally ruthless fashion. Which is all well and good, but how, Del, do you exactly stop people bent on such dangerous behaviour?
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters