They have no clue what happens after death because what they see are still part of the simulation and there are screen memories put up for most of those who have NDEs. "Divine Avatar" also sounds a little egotistical.
I am unsure of his view point. Do you think he is deliberately miss led ? By his handlers ? Because he is being told these things by “hi aliens or Higher angels” . Anka under Bashar is telling him stuff and Farsighted is being told stuff by their aliens. Dave Wilcox the same thing.
Is it possible that none of it is “truth” ? But it’s just truth that works best for those Aliens ? Sort of, a version of the truth ? Because if everything is an infinite set of possibilities, because that’s what Gods universe is- an infinite set of possibilities, based on what ever time line we decide to go down.
So I wonder if ANYTHING at all could be told to us ? And if we latch on to that THEN that becomes the truth for us, because that’s the timeline we wanted "that reality" to be true !?
So if we like Bashar then that becomes our truth . If we all love Satan then all that darkness becomes our truth. And we live out that “truth”.
So then “truth” then is really just another word for TIME LINE.
So when you say this is the truth or the reality and I say no it’s this other reality —is it just the both of us arguing about whether we should turn right or left of of the road we both are on ?
And in fact, both of us are exactly right ? You want to go over there and I want to go another direction ? Because if everything can happen in Gods universe then "everything" is "true". Or everything is possible.
Maybe ?
That only works in an uncorrupted emanation, but we are within a corrupted and controlled simulation. The law of Free Will definitely has been overridden many times by the use of deceit and trickery. Most of those beings being channeled are fallen entities pretending and playing out a script. The true light has not been here till recently when it's removing it's own and ending this game. This is why when many wake up to the truth they realize a dark night of the soul. It feels overwhelming at times to know just how all encompassing this trap is.
Ok then how about this which would incorporate you're idea of trickery
First lets just say on the surface
Ra Tee Err(that's how it sounds to me) with David Wilcocks has a wonderful message -- Ascend my children !! But RA with farsight says he's a psychopaths
And Bashar says, "seek out your bliss and that what you need to do -- in the universe of "all that is" my child-- and yet Bashar has lied to us about the Death Traps Existence. And so he doesn't want us to have that "reality" in our minds
And the Reptilians are creating Order ORDER in the universe because they are the best Aliens to bring that order (because they are Gods) -- and you shall salute us and follow our orders or become lunch !!
And Farsight Aliens (who ever they are) say MORE WARS BRING PEACE ! So we are all hoping for the big war !! (well I'm not)
But all are telling a fairly good story (short of the Reptilians) but most say peace - love - bliss- Ascend ! And so on.
So perhaps that's all Corn Mush for us to eat as our pablum in the morning. As long as we follow "them" they then know they can subtly change the message later once they/ve got us in "their congregation" of reality. The lies can then be fed into our cereal bowl later as we will only listen to "them" ie the "them" we have decided to follow. Be it Ra (Wilcocks) - Reptilians (USA)--Bashar (Anka and all his Ankle biters)- or Farsight (the Federation ?) and so on.
So then perhaps its like we have a radio Box with ALIEN radio channels on it. AND WE ARE TRYING DESPERATLY TO TUNE INTO THE TRUTH !!
And we are tuning it from the RA station then over to the Bashar station and on to the Federation Station and on it goes.. And you know how it goes. I like the country station, Well I like the Rock and Roll station -that's my reality Baby ! Well I don't like Rock or Country- I like the intelligent talk station and on and on it goes.
THESE ALIENS ARE RUNNING THEIR STATIONS THROUGH THEIR DJs !!! Farsight has it DJ and Dave Wilcocks is the DJ for the RA planet and Anaka is the DJ for the Bashar planet !!
And they are trying to gather up the human population and get the greatest demographic of humans listening and ready to be influenced by the MESSAGE ! The Alien message !
Just like all radio stations do now here on Earth. Why do those stations do that ? Well we know why they do it, so that they can deliver their message to as many people as possible. So the lure is the music they play (the sweet messages we all crave) and then the money is made in the advertising messages the are sent out in between those songs.
Well what are the ALIENS doing ? They are singing their sweet songs !!! Ascend my child ! Follow your bliss my child !! Do what we F*cking well say my child !! WE need peace my child with lots and lots of wars my child !!
And depending who gets the most listeners then that creates our reality ! A reptilian reality now and what a Ra reality later ? How about some kind of reality that we dream up ? Buy Dave's Reality! Now NeW and ImPROVED !! With all the Scaly Reptilian reality FULLY removed. CHOOSE the best and FORGET the rest !
I'm not reading all that. All I'll say from what I've seen you keep posting and posting is you over think things. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. Learn to quiet the outer mind and listen to your inner and higher self. Balance logic with heart.
I am not happy about Bashar/Anka lying about the Death traps
However here is Anka echoing what I was saying in the last few posts
Im going to sue that guy for stealing my ideas . I mean really !
I let it go just this once though
Where did you think these "researchers" and channelers get their info and ideas from lol. People like us. Like you and me who put in the effort day in and day out to find and expose the truth and then they scrape the internet for our information and use it as their own. I know because I've seen it happen already.
Actually I have noticed that with some of them. And then after they repackage it and wrap in their brand name they act as though it’s something they and they alone have just discovered ! And then they write a book.
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
It’s a great point !
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
I think I developed quite a few good ideas. And I do try to think things through to a conclusion. Which I think is sadly missing these days. But I’m not immune to a few half backed ideas along the way.
I used to be like that also. I would overthink things. It's a good way to not miss things. The one downside is that it wears you out when you can't calm the mind down. I still think of every scenario, but through about 23+ years of meditation I've learned to focus my mind more.
Personally I have no problem with the way I think. I believe I have an ability to listen to what we are being told by who ever it is and then “look at it from all angles. And I usually find some logic in it or the deception if there is some. I think I’m ok and others have their perspectives which are interesting and often very helpful.
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
I have removed all of my comments on these Fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
Your take is pretty dumb though. Very materialistic and lacking any sense of spiritual depth because you yourself know you won't be continuing on after death when you have no soul lol. So you want others to forsake their spiritual continuation so you don't feel left out. This has been the problem all this time...soulless NPCs like yourself dragging the rest of us down with you...well not anymore.