Something very interesting here is this video I found after watching the video on Eril the shaman on the Age of truth TV show, he talks here about what they did in austria I think it is, breaking up the network of the frequency of the matrix overlay and these top satanists over there so it is an interesting thing he tells us that they are breaking down their illusion and how they can't even exist in this realm anymore once this overlay is gone.
A Blueprint For Planetary Freedom w/ Steven Whybrow & Eril Kaya
@Jon Smith
You had mentioned something earlier about people leaving the planet cuz they are ready or something to that affect, I can't seem to find these posts when I click to reply I end up at the front page and try I do to scroll down, view more and still can't find them....I give up on that but here what I see is them, the non human entities are leaving, those that are posing as humans, and perhaps many who got those bioweapons installed into them and were wearing the stupid masks, those people have left, but the ones who knew better and who resisted it all are still here. I agreed with alot of what Eril said on the Age of Truth tv show about the whole CONvid thing.
Second point is that there will not be a third world war...of course they are doing their best to start it but here the energy is changing we won't be dealing with the crazy ARchon and crazy factions/orders/secret societies for much longer.
So we each can change the frequency of this matrix and blast these things outta here if we know how powerful we are.
And also you said something about a book....and I've been writing a book for 20 plus years...and I hope it does wake up the christians and those that are into the new age - new cage spiritual groups. I don't think there's anything else we can possibly do to get them to wake up, they are so far gone into their egos and programs. Till then we can change the frequency which is another way they've kept us in this matrix, the daisy of death, metatron's cube...etc.
The book by Ori Ana?