Yes, I've been getting some of that. Not perhaps with such intensity but it does sound familiar.
yes.. talking about free will ha?! we are indeed in solar Maximum cycle, being bombarded as we speak, and last months there has been also several discharged of proton plasma release from the sun, proton release affects more our DNA, its what the spiritual community talks about being upgraded through these plasma release from the Sun before the transition event that is talked about, or the MicroNova event. Last week we had X-class release X8.2 and several others and still more CME's incoming, so heavy stuff and the only way is to being on that higher vibration.
They did a research with 2 groups of controled individuals to see how can the energy from the Sun affects each individual. In 1 group they asked them for a month to do meditation, breathing exercices and practice gratitude with the intention to put themselves on a higher state and then after one month they would be exposed to that energy from the Sun or equivelant, another group they told them to go on with their lifes and after one month they would came to see how the energy affects them. The first group after exposing them their energy and frequency of the body was a lot more enhance, and while they've were feeling those higher emotions after expose they were on the roof. The other group were it amplified those density states, those hard emotional states, they had become worse than they were feeling before.
Del, that reminded me a meditation of Dr. Joe Dispenza and another from SOMA breath exercices, where the focus is the darkness (not in a negative way) but the void itself where creation takes place. there's something about that darkness that is extremely therapeutically.
I had those experiences in the plandemic years where i was learning the "teachings" of Bashar in terms of shifting parallel realities and practicing through meditations changing our emotional output more faster, like practicing to feel the objects and the emotions of "the room im in". one of the things was (according to Bashar) the more practice you have the more easy it gets to shift your self through several parallel realities or versions of ourselves, like choosing to experiencing in one way instead of another.
While this process goes on you start to experience yourself more and more in those higher states/vibration wich means, according to Bashar and Dr. Joe Dispenza your frequency becomes faster / higher and then you'll start to match a little bit more with the frequency of linear time, meaning those realities will start to happen more rapidly and sometimes you cant get a hold with them. Later with practice and according to Bashar you'll start to experience the zero point wich is the middle point between realities, where some people have experienced all of the realities at one point in time, meaning at the same time. Too much to get hold on, however the zero point Bashar talks about with practice and acceleration you can jump timelines more easily.
Ok, so I just got my interwebs back...
Firstly, I want to say what this event WON'T be!
It's NOT going to be a nuclear exchange between two countries.
It's NOT going to be Yellowstone Park going full monty.
It's NOT going to be a huge asteroid a few miles across that hits somewhere and wipes out entire countries and the entire east coast of North America.
I can say this with 100% certainty...
For the simple reason that those would cause far bigger psychic phenomenon, and the FFG team would have seen a LOT more going on!
And what they saw was, in the grand scheme of things on planet Earth, pretty mild!
Sure, it may affect a few million people, forcing them to move - but that's fairly normal for this planet. (sure, maybe not for Americans, but for other parts of the world, it's sort of normal... think of the mass emigration from various Middle East and African states). Mass migrations of tens of millions of people happen a couple of times a year in China (go look up some of the videos of, e.g., Guangzhou train station for Spring Festival)
If any of those (particularly Yellowstone or the asteroid) to happen, the devastation would be catastrophic *globally* - and that's not what's being described. (Ok, Yellowstone might have a *small* eruption - but not "the big one").
this might be a very controversial thing to say, but the USA is NOT the be all and end all of world affairs! That's right! Some things can happen there that *don't* really affect anywhere else in the world! (OMGs - say it isn't so!!!)
Like the riots after the George Floyd murder, those may have been terrible to live through in the US, and made people panic - but frankly, the rest of the world didn't notice anything more than just some stuff happening on TV, not unlike a lot of movies.
Hurricane Katrina... same! (well, any hurricane over there).
So, where does that leave us?
Well, the big economic crash did affect many people around the planet (oddly, Australia didn't really feel much of the effects!) No mushroom clouds, no mass exodus of people - but still eventful.
One thing that I'm a little amused by.... we're on here for news of "disclosure", and that's quite possibly what this big event could be related to (what if Ed's 'asteroid' isn't naturally made? Or, what if it's manipulated, and a direction change is done??) And people are now stressing about that... I'm a bit amused...
Possibilities that I can see....
Certain countries showing their big tiger claws to - a little island nearby; another nearby country; the rest of the world; by detonating a nuke... (and then another country doing the same to say "yeah, so what??") Mass exodus of people could be to get away from a potential conflict zone.
I agree that there's the possibility of an EMP - right place and time could wreak havoc!
Ahd, that leads to the possibility of an accident (whether real or planned) - possibly nuclear, or more EMP-wise than explosive wise.
I'd also like to posit that the implementation of various laws and regulations due to false flag events is probably going to be important much like 9/11 and covid have done. Life changing, possibly around the world... without the destruction and deaths of tens of millions of people (note - that's one thing NOT mentioned by the viewers!!! And I think this is a really important aspect to keep in mind!)
I'll just end by saying that I, too, have had many dreams of a 'future' Earth... one in which my hometown is quite different. I've seen Melbourne under a mushroom cloud (from a 'safe' distance). I've seen androids invading the planet and killing people (no, not the movie!) But I've also known them to be on DIFFERENT timelines!
Oh, and just to add to the above...
Oddly enough, just like Edward Riordan's bit about retirement and pensions - I've had this knowledge inside of me for decades that "if the country is still doing things like crap pensions or superannuation payments when I get to that age, I won't be here" (cos, in Australia now, it would so suck without any assets!). But, I've always known that it's not something that will happen with me.. .(even though I had expected to live to around 80 or so... and I'm about Ed's age).
So... either I get real lucky with money in the next few years, I die.... or there's a HUGE something that goes on to seriously change the status quo in that regard!
Clif High tells some more about his data in second part of this podcast and also mentions some events in october at the end.
The first part is interesting, too if you have not heard about biophotons, the "event" part starts at: 15:38
Hi Shiningbrow,
Interesting that you saw Melbourne with its mushroom cloud as I have seen Sydney with waters pushing debris up the Mountain to Woodford. When I was reading in a local cafe, I would hear the stories from people up this way who had similar dreams - I found that interesting - it wasn't prompted conversation, just something they felt.
As for what you were describing - I think there is something I would describe as an event effect - for the sake of things lets say the sensing of a future event/s (on this timeline) whereby an event or a series of events may be evolving in time and space, there is more of a direct psychological intuitive impression/impact of detail related to the event on the person whose senses are in tune with the event evolution. Some people might feel it, whereas others might seek it out, to others its not even an event that registers as apparent. Some will get the full series of pictures and others will get increments of it.
Involvement is optional.
Its why I like hearing about the data collected from multiple Viewers doing the same Target. Each bring something different about the Target to the forefront.
Even data that seems totally unrelated - is relative somewhere, on some scale, usually seen in hindsight if investigated by a curiosity.
As for our pensions... just 😳
Hi Del.
As for Melbourne (and probably Brisvegas).... when I was 'in session', I got that these are memories of previous times around. So, unlikely to happen in this future (but, may, although not soon... I don't see myself being back there in ... ok, a I write this, I'm pausing and getting interesting feels..... I was going to say "not back there within the next few years, and probably not for the rest of my life..." (I've told you why in our chat not long ago). Apparently, maybe we'll see! This idea of "not this time, but in a previous cycle" is something a number of people have clued in on and talked about, and discussed (ie, had 'memories' of).
yes, definitely interesting to see what various viewers get... I'd like to be an 'analyst' or moderator for such things - asking questions (hopefully getting answers). Pushing people!!! (cos I'm a pushy bastard ;p)
Interpretations... those are interesting! I'm just watching the Clif High interview with Dick, and they mention Derek's view of a plane dropping multiple bombs... I'm thinking, maybe that's not a singular event, but it's a metaphor for multiple 'bombshells' being dropped over a period of weeks or months in the news regarding a single event (which may be the 'real' event).
Oh, on the subject of repetitive dreams.... I'll do a new thread! ;p
From the Crypto Viewing Map
Israel At War! It's Started
Its on my map (page 1) - except I put 'Israel Middle East' and the explosion is big - its big, but not yet.
Lebanon is included in that.
Dick was saying that they cant publish the information publicly.
Im not sure what thats about.
On the 7th/8th of October 2023 – Israel and Hamas are at war with each other.
This post relates to The Notes that relate to the Map I drew about the Event which I think are related to the Event – The RV notes and Map are with Tazz and were emailed on the 27th May 2023.
Just some thoughts from the Viewing
MSM News is saying that this event was a surprise attack – yet there is a man who knows that this event was planned, and he is of high standing, and he knew (at the time of the viewing which was in May 23) that this was going to be happening. He sat quietly waiting.
Other notes in the RV recorded that there is 10 years of ammunition available / stockpiled.
There are also notes on China & Pakistan, Europe and the EU separating, and the internal unrest in Africa.
I am not part of the Crypto viewing – I am not a subscriber to them except on youtube – I’ve only seen their YT videos.
This is part of the map – and PAGE 2 AND full page 3 OF 8 pages – Del’s RV TARGET 0 - THE Remote Viewing Event – pics below
The full Map is one page 1 of the Thread -
The notes read:
Next China / Russia / EUC / Europe
Middle East - Israel – Fast & Final - Huge or Very Aggressive
I see also *Islad oceans (*Note: I don’t know if I was writing island, but Im not sure what Islad is – it might mean Island Oceans)
A man – white – bald
Grey dark eyebrows – no top hair – some on side – FLSHY – wide – plump skin
Light coloured eyes – thin lips
Sitting in audience at conference
Page 3 (picture of man)
Lighting overhead but dimmed like an auditorium
View from above: Man sitting in a line of chairs in conference – gathering type situation
Looks concerned
He’s thinking
Lots of voices around him – compads constituents
Men sitting in a row – rows behind – rows in front
This is a man of significance.
On the map – Israel Middle East explosion
Page 2
Page 3
*IF* this is what you and FFG viewed, then we should be considered lucky!
However, I don't think it fits theirs.
Firstly, the timing is off... they're talking towards the end of this year to some time next year (and even maybe later into 2025).
Secondly, the EMP / no cars effect hasn't happened, and that's significant.
Thirdly, this is hardly world shattering. And, unless the big players come into it, it's not going to be. Sure, there could be a 'paradigm shift' in that the middle east goes back to war again, or that Palestine gets wiped off the map - but realistically, to the majority of the world - so what??
And I'll just say - oh look - a terrorist organisation attacked their very well known enemy finally... like no-one was expecting that to ever happen... /s And... oh, a war has started/flared up again... oh how surprising!
As I wrote at the beginning - if this is the event they were forecasting, then we should all breathe a sigh of relief!
Now, if it *does* escalate from merely between Israel and Palestine/Hamas, and it goes nuclear... that may be something. Especially if Iran decides to 'test' one of their nukes on Israel.
But, for this to really fit the picture they drew, it would need to escalate a LOT.
(I do recall someone - Derek or Nyaim - drawing a series of bombs dropping, so perhaps they saw this??)
"Dick was saying that they cant publish the information publicly.
Im not sure what thats about."
I think that's just because they've got a responsibility to their paid members to only have it on their site before they can upload to a free viewing site - as per previous stuff they've put up. Nothing nefarious.
Hi Shiningbrow -
just to clarify - the map & pictures posted on the thread were one's I did in May 2023
I did a random RV - Target 0 - on this 'map' picture I got (12th May 2023)
I sent the info to Tazz by email earlier in the year.
It was an event strategy map - I just drew it and then RV'd it.
There are 8 pages to the Remote viewing -
I'm working out the map in hindsight - that's why I'm posted after events - I'm saying that its not just Israel, I'm saying from the map it was also the Middle East and Lebanon.
I got a small amount of information about: a flag or an emblem on a flag, and other countries
The Target I did may have nothing to do with these things - but I was surprised when this war was declared yesterday with Israel and Hamas -
But not surprised that this was kept so silent by one man - that interested me - I'm not sure who he is.
I might move my stuff to a new thread - as I don't know what the crypto group are viewing unless they make a YT about it 🤔
Although i didn't mentioned in this thread there is also the possibility of we are experiencing from a perspective point of view a different parallel reality Earth taking place, the same narrative that many of the spiritual community has been talking about the splitting prism as Bashar talks about it (if it is true or not).
However there's an agenda from the Saudi to make the world islamic in the words of Amir al-Mu'minin and this is already happening with illegal imigration / refugees.
To be honest im not surprised this was declared yesterday, since Israel has been preventing Palestine to have access to resources of survival, this is simply the continuation of the attacks of Israel to Palestine in 2020 and much more older than that, nevertheless i can see a pattern here, now that the senate has refused any more funding to Ukraine, meanwhile the Talibans now gear up with 80billions of US military equipment from Afghanistan are asking the Hamas to let them go to Israel and beyond it.
On a larger scale these oppressive are doing their best to wipe out a large number of the population.
It's incredible that everything in the cosmos is about territorial expansion.
Del is there any thread with those 8 pages so we can check in?!
Artur - Yes, it's one domino at a time, strategically placed and flipped. What is old is new again - the pattern is on repeat.
I haven't done a thread on the rest of the map and notes yet - sorry.
I'm was just looking at the FFG site where this video is posted, and the feeling there is that this isn't it either... although, could be a first step (well, ok, the thousandth step...) leading up to something big.
Just a thought - what would the US do if Iran did use a nuke on Israel? (even if it's just a mini-nuke?) Would the people want to go to another war? And, if not, what would various entities in the black government be willing to do to get the US to get into that war??
I do remember them saying “a 9/11 like event” in the FFG and that statement is being bandied about like “Israel’s Pearl harbour” but I too got the impression this isn’t the event they were talking about, I felt it was more cataclysmic, but that could be due to the follow up from Clif High where he talks about the language level being 13x higher than 9/11 so I was expecting something far bigger although not to trivialise what’s happening at all. Also they predicted it to be between 90-270 days away not imminent, but as we all know these things are precarious. (Can’t think of the word?… hard to set in stone! 😂)