Unnoticed through all the noise, a fundamental change in the financial world is being implemented:
The mandatory transition from cash and electronic money to a globally centralised digital form of money, based on blockchain-technology, controlled by AI.
I am not talking about crypto like Bitcoin, no, i am talking about a One-World-Gov-currency as the ONLY allowed currency, which allows for your daily life to be totally controlled.
This is being implemented RIGHT NOW, and it uses the words
CBDC, for “Central Bank Digital Currency“ ;
ISO 20022,
CBPR+, for “Cross Border Payment and Reporting“;
KYC, for “Know Your Customer“
It starts tomorrow, see here:
A transitional period is being given, after which ALL financial institutions will have to mandatorily comply with the new standard. It starts after this weekend and the transition will have to be completed before Autumn 2025:
“CBPR+ messages will be activated for all eligible institutions during the Swift Maintenance Window in the weekend of 18 and 19 March 2023. The official start of coexistence is 20 March 2023.“
It contains
- the KYC (“Know your customer“) policy which will allow to track any purchase and gives AI the option to not allow the transaction, for example if you are a Carbon-“sinner“ ;
- deny access to stores or purchases with this CBDC if you are not vaxxed ;
- limited maximum amount of CBDC in your account
This process is already well advanced, unbeknownst to the general public:
“Britons face 20,000 digital pound cap under Bank of England plan“
For now it is 10-20,000; just will come down to ~1000 in a few years.
They are running trials in Nigeria right now.
This transition will be completed latest by Autumn 2025 in the banking sector, worldwide.
The compulsory transition into everybodys life and individual customers is scheduled to be completed before 2030, most likely by 2026.
Everybody is preparing, although using different labels/names for the same CBDC:
Once it is implemented, it will be a surprise:
“You will own nothing, but you will be happy“ (This is from 2016, so they are well on track):
You will receive that GOV-issued CBDC, only if you are vaxxed:
You will not be allowed to enter stores, except if your app shows that you are vaxxed:
You might say, no problem i have Bitcoin etc.
By then, ALL other digital currencies will be prohibited by law!!!
These laws are being put up for voting, RIGHT NOW:
The first half of the video only:
So whoever, like Dick Allgire, says “Only Crypto? Good, bring it on !!“ has no idea of what is coming.
To create a drive into the CBDC, the inflation will now go BERSERK!!! The intended bailout-money-printing policy is an intentionally created reaction to the intentionally created cause: The failing of many “smaller“ banks. This will end up in a a greater centralization of banks and great inflation because of the immense surplus of money in the system.
This inflation will create a lot of in-depted people, who then will thankfully accept the CBDC, because it will free them from the personal dept burden.
But we know, what is coming, isn't it?
It was foretold, 2000 years ago.
Revelation 13:16-17:
“ And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.“
MB, thank you for the info, in the past, I've read something very similar, in your opinion based on this information, will all current individual assets be absorbed.
Thanks MB - yeah - we were told - and we watch the scaffolding of the laws be put up for the construction of our own prison.
One thing I notice is the consistent message that is being used for the future - A.I, the Economy, Health, safety - that goes something like 'well it's here now, we cant stop it, A.I will be great, for humans to evolve we need to be augmented, and on it goes ...
Cory's Digs outlined a couple of years ago that the PTB were going down the blockchain line - not only with finance/bitcoin, but with us as well. When they say we will own nothing, we will no longer own our personal identity - we will be reduced to a number on the blockchain - they will trade our credit scores like gamblers.
So far I'm not seeing much of the 'and you'll be happy' bit - happy is not a priority to this system.
Hi Del,
yes, the “happy“-part is a sales pitch.
But they will take care of that also: When the SHTF, the UN will declare assisted suicide to be a “human right“.
This sounds pretty dark, but it is planned to happen at some point in time, and it will.
“Look“ it up.