New Target: 1407-8069
Posting date: Feb 21 2023, planned reveal date: March 15 2023
Submissions are welcome at [email protected]
When you arrive at your main focus, please do a "light up procedure"
New Target: 1407-8069
Posting date: Feb 21 2023, planned reveal date: March 15 2023
Submissions are welcome at [email protected]
When you arrive at your main focus, please do a "light up procedure"
Am starting this Target in the next few hours -
will email you with what I have when finished
Thanks so much Taz
Thanks Del,
Let me know too if you want the reveal for 4445-0992
Hi Tazz,
have submitted my session to you.
I just need to type it up properly to post -
The pages and audio will not change from the submitted originals.
I posted in the other thread letting you know I had done the sessions out of order.
Thanks Del, it's no trouble. The beauty is your higher self likely realizes which number belongs with what.
I will reveal this early if you want. I don't believe anyone else will come forward. Anyone let me know if you want me to wait fully until March 15
When ever you're ready is fine by me Tazz.
Thanks once more.
I will be interested to see what this Target was about.
LOL - that was a great Target, Tazz :D
Alas, it was a fail - I did not see/recognize/name Aziz, or a purple elephant LOL.
What I will do though is post the details of the session in April 2023 - Tazz has the written session and the accompanying audio.
I'd be interested if Aziz did any of the things mentioned in the session, or if he can relate to any of it personally.
Maybe Aziz can read the thread then, and comment, possibly.
Thankyou so much Tazz!
Well I wonder about the dead fail. You spent a lot of session time focused on this one male. Although I know your depiction at the end has features unlike I normally see Aziz (beard, glasses) the face does make me think of Aziz and one very defining moment was when you said "remote viewer" before anything else. That really seems beyond coincidence.
My biggest ambition for this target and the related one is to see if humans can communicate with each other as remote viewers in the psispace as well as cyberspace. Farsight suggests et's do it all the time. How amazing would it be if just once one remote viewer lit up to be recognized by another
Anyhow, the "light up" and "deep mind probe" requests might be in several targets but for very alternating reasons. I also can't promise that all targets will be focused on friendlies, unless that's the specific request from viewer(s).
Interesting, Tazz - Im just going to do the transcript from the audio Session, as there is more information in there than I can remember, but I made a list of artists, and in amongst the names is Ingo Swann.
I am a little confused though about the timing maybe - has this event already been filmed, or is it happening through some time in March?
It's supposed to be any time in March. So it would be in the future. I kept it shortened to a month.
Notes about this RV Practice Session - 4th march 2023
The Target Reveal: The viewer will view Aziz Brown during one of his filmed viewing sessions during March of 2023. If there is no filmed session for Aziz during this time, the viewer will instead view a large purple elephant.
I did not recognize the person named in the Target – Aziz, nor see a purple elephant.
My feedback on this RV Session -
On the 22nd/23rd of February, I submitted all hand written RV session notes and recorded audio to Tazz by email.
On the 23rd of February, after submitting my Session to Tazz (Practice Session organizer), I decided that instead of drawing my usual accompanying coloured sketches, I would have a go at using ‘A.I Text to Pictures’ to depict my RV illustrations.
On the 23rd Feb I joined a couple of AI art sites. I began trying to work the AI text to Pic to generate what I had seen in this, and one other RV sessions. After quite a few hours, and many attempts to try and get the prompts right, I still wasn’t able to achieve my desired outcome – to get the pictures accurate – there was always something wrong that the A.I couldn’t replicate – like 3 hands and 25 fingers, smudged facial features, incorrect colouring of items, hair colourings and length, missing prompts – but I ran out of credits and put them with the RV notes which I was going to post AFTER March – once Aziz had done all his videos for the month.
ETA: I have rectified the dates I did the AI drawings - Tazz can confirm. Meta data available on originals.
Today, 2nd/3rd March 2023, The Farsight Podcast was released featuring Aziz and Courtney Brown. The title of the Blog is: Farsight's Podcast March 2023 - Artificial Intelligence. The discussion was on A.I – the link to the Podcast is here:
I sent the RV A.I generated pictures to Tazz – I had done pictures for 2 Targets.
I did not mention A.I specifically in the RV notes – but there was some mention of Art - I’m not sure what the odds are aligning in with the Viewing and doing my first A.I generated pictures on the Target of Aziz and his video presentations during March. For all the practice sessions I have done, I always hand draw additional pictures – A.I is new to me.
So you will see the pictures below that I generated in A.I for the Remote Viewing Session – they are not accurate – my hand drawn pics would have been accurate – but the A.I pics did relate to something Aziz talked about. Any statisticians around? I’m not sure of the odds on that, or how that would be marked into an assessment of the relationship to the Target – the videos.
At around the 49:30 mark on the timeline – Aziz mentions Metatron / Enoch. Once you read the transcript below, you might want to comment.
‘Metatron had been the Hebrew prophet Enoch and became an ascended master whom God transformed into the powerful Archangel Metatron’.
Metatron/Enoch is God’s scribe – he is the keeper of all the records of deeds, thoughts & words of all things of the Universe – the writer & keeper of Gods Records – the deeds of every Man, ever. …’and the Light, which is the embodiment of Archangel Metatron, who created all outer light in our Universe and is the creator of the electron’.
Is Metatron the Man (or a depiction of the Man) who I picked up that Aziz was going to be talking about in March? Not that that makes hitting the Target any more accurate – I don’t think it was – then again, is this aspect relevant if not accurate - I’m not sure.
Anyway, please read and please comment – I would be really interested on other Remote Viewers take on this. If I am over extending my imagination here and trying to fit square pegs in round holes – let me know – besides all of that, I really enjoyed the Practice Session.
... continued next post
Yeah, I meant to mention that actually haha. Aziz or anyone let me know if this is just too much prying.
I think Aziz is an excellent candidate to try and have a friendly meeting through psispace because 1. He's very responsive. Someone shows up in his session and he'll immediately engage with them. 2. His descriptions are typically clear and concise. I don't know if he's the most powerful of the bunch but he sees a carrot and tells you it's a carrot (or at least an orange conal vegetative object)
Well, has tge occasional rabt but those are good too
DATE: 22/23rd FEBRUARY 2023
New Target: 1407-8069
Posting date: Feb 22, 2023, planned reveal date: March 15, 2023
Submissions are welcome at [email protected]
When you arrive at your main focus, please do a "light up procedure”.
The viewer will view Aziz Brown during one of his filmed viewing sessions during March of 2023. If there is no filmed session for Aziz during this time, the viewer will instead view a large purple elephant.
Overlay dump –
Ideogram drawn –
Probing Ideogram –
The first sound that I get is like a suction door – or a sealed like door, opening.
I get the impression like a carousel door or something like that.
I’m getting a base surface – manmade.
Maybe a manmade floor – possibly granite or tile –
highly polished surface.
I’m getting a large space, a large structure.
Corporate – a big space – it’s a bit echo-ee.
I feel as if I am on some stairs, and I am walking up stairs.
There are stairs.
I hear footsteps on stairs – footfall.
And this is – I’m getting an incline.
A modern type of incline (drawing not very well)
Theyre a modern type of stair – just plank sort of.
Probing ideogram –
I’m getting books – and these are just spiral bound and -
They feel educational.
I see things stacked on top of each other – so it looks like this (drawing) so my deduction is sort of books
But I’m in a brick room – so I’m getting ‘stacks of books’ – thick, solid –
I’m also getting a brick wall – or a natural manmade surface wall
Probing Ideogram –
For my second visual –
The base surface is soft.
Like a carpet or a yeah, soft – that’s a deduction –
But a natural surface interfaced over a hard base surface –
And this is still within the structure.
I can see light – it seems to be a transparent barrier between myself and outside
I just got ‘library’ – I got Akashic Records, or a Museum – Research - Books – History –
I’m getting the word ‘Ancient’ – maybe ‘Ancient history’.
But this is very modern – I’m in a very modern, or what seems to be a very modern structure.
‘Modern Structure of the Ancients’ –
I got the word ‘Data’ I got the word ‘centre’ (writing that in)
Probing Ideogram (talking and writing)
Just going back over things -I was thinking that that base surface was like a wood –
Ok – (drawing) I’ve got this sort of shape –
This other sort of shape –
I’ve got instrument – I’ve got astrology – I’m just going to probe this shape –
A hard surface of this instrument –
feels polished or clean surface – I just think its technical.
I’m walking along corridor – once again carpet here, but it’s something like…
Rooms – if you look down the corridor – there’s rooms –
And down this side there’s doors – and there’s inlets
(drawing) these are rooms – and these aisles – these leads down to a bigger room.
This is modern.
I’m getting greys – whites – very muted grey blues – looks very office-y but its not…
Why do I feel like I’m going for a job interview?
Or there’s some sort of learning or something happening here –
continued next post...
Ok, I’ve got something here – ‘Increased pace’ or speed – and that’s walking –
Walking very fast – or rushing –
And I feel this – the feeling of ‘quickness’ of ‘rushing’ ‘walking quickly’ through this building or the room in this building –
Getting that there’s a ‘time’ – I’m getting that there’s a ‘time issue’ time is an issue – got to be on time.
Probing – next visual -
I’m getting there’s a blue pool of water – its like a blue aqua –
square – in a recess – or recessed.
I’m really getting the impression to deep probe - but I don’t know what.
I’m going to probe the centre of the pool - of the water - or the box – or the blue box water thingy…
The only thing I’m getting is this is to the outside – long, blue, and cold – outside is cold.
A water system – I can see trees or something –
(Probing) the next visual I get is like a hill – and there is something here…
A cold base surface – everything is cold –
I’m walking to the outside – I’m walking outside.
There seems to be a door.
There’s earthen land – manmade natural structure.
I’m walking but the door is locked – or barred.
I see blue water again around this building – this amazing blue colour – its like blue foil – its like clean water – it feels like… or it’s so cold that its blue – or, it just feels, looks, so blue – or its so clean this water.
(drawing) – its moving surface – it looks like blue moving surface beside a structure – it looks like foil blue –
But I can’t get into – I can’t get through - this building.
I can’t draw quick enough.
I saw two things here –
One was a structure that sort of comes around like that – and there’s this funny shaped building – and there’s some foliage and stuff here – but there’s a window, a funny shaped window that has light – but I can’t … its light –
All I see now is this dark wood – like burnt – like burnt wood –
like dark, natural, stick, wood, type shapes, in alike a dark wood or stick, natural shaped on a surface
Cold – a bit barren –
I can see glowing blue, like a soft light, but theyre glowing blue through glass – soft – but its dark as well
This is manmade structures – I’m not hearing anything in there – its like a sealed room – I’m not getting around.
I get the impression that someone maintains this place – its maintained but staff have all gone –
Its almost like its in the woods sort of thing – it seems to be different parts to it.
I have the impression – the impression that I have its like a Seed Bank – or An Ark – or A Library – I don’t know, somewhere things are stored and kept –
But, that first place is like part of it too – like this big office – modern – that modern office type situation.
But this other place just feels like, I don’t know if its an old place like a historic place where …
A museum, or history, or where something old is kept or stored, or maintained.
I’m getting there’s a lot of structures – just structures…
Made out of wood, structures in a foresty type area – like houses but …
Like I’m getting medieval villages – oh god I’m all over the place –
I’m getting like zaps of electricity in these places.
Its not like wires and stuff – its like zaps of electricity coming from somewhere.
There’s definitely a man here – it just seems to be the one man here.
– he just seems old – if anything he reminds me of a Rabbi – or a maybe a Jewish man – with really quite prominent features – old – older.
He seems like a professor or a curator – or a scholar or like a university type – professor or …
But he still has something to do with records or wisdom of stuff.
Tall, prominent features, prominent eyes
I don’t know how old he would be – 55 – I don’t know.
Tall – 5’ 9-11’ – no, no, no – 5’11
And I see him with glasses, and then without glasses – with glasses and then without glasses –
He doesn’t say much – he’s not saying much.
OK - I’m just going to try and ask him some questions.
OK – I cannot draw this man I don’t think – I’ll just see if I can draw him.
He has sort of a beard – sort of a pointy chin.
He has a slim face – and he has these sort of glasses.
And he has sort of curly – not curly hair, wavy – its not…
He doesn’t say much at all, he’s really quiet – he’s just this man …
OK let me see whats going on here with him.
Ah, I can see from this man – he’s showing me a book -
And I’m seeing like blue paper or plastic with sketches on it - sketches or sketching’s in it – sketching on it.
And he’s holding it up to the light(?) so maybe he’s trying to show me a place which is like an alley…
There’s um – hang on – where is this man –
I think he lives in one of those houses – the wooden ones – I’ve got some sketches –
Now I’m in a place that’s sort of like a little bit more…
This man – he’s very quiet, he’s really quiet – he doesn’t say anything –
He’s trying to show me some sort of like a club – its not a club its like a little taverna type – taverna wine bar sort of thing – it’s like blue – blue – everything is like a light blue glass – blue jazz or something like
But its in an alleyway – like old old – but its like I’m looking at these sketches and stuff – hmm.
But I’m back to this man – this man has something to do with the building I was in to start with – the modern one –
And this, other one that I saw in … the other one I’ve drawn – the earthen manmade natural structure – I mean that thing is really big
And this place here…
I got this feeling that he’s like.. wherever this place is, he’s not there any more at this place – he’s not there, so.
I don’t know if this man is an artist – a curator - An old artist – an old master – a museum –
Someone’s blue sketching’s.
Maybe, I don’t know – this is like the Smithsonian Institute or it something it’s the Seed Bank, or an Ark, or its just this Man is in a Place of History.
continued next post...
And that’s all I have for this one- sort of -
I just really feel as if I should know this.
And I can’t – I’m just not getting it - like..
An artist, or um…
I’m really trying to nail this…
I don’t know if his name starts with R- Rembrandt – I don’t know – Rubens, I don’t know…
Isn’t it funny, I just got the word Ingo Swann – but I don’t know – wouldn’t it be funny, but that’s basically what I heard – but I don’t know how that would be connected – but I feel better after saying that – and I’m going to leave that there…
The time is 12:58am 23rd of the second – 2022 (*should be 2023)
I’m just going to add to this because I’m just wondering if this is a man of visions –
that’s what I’m getting: A Man of Visions – like a Remote Viewer
Um, Somebody like – oh what’s his name – an artist – like Leonardo Da Vinci or something like that –
like that he invents things as well
But maybe like someone who has left a legacy or something … or getting information from the Akashic Records or has this stuff – right into the whole museum type institution – where all the books and information and records – what do they call it, the Hall of Records or you know, something like that – anyway I just want to add that just in case – but that’s a deduction.
I also wanted to add – that the light up procedure wasn’t ummm, I did a light up procedure but I didn’t have to light up – I was already lit up, if that makes sense.
So, I’m in a part of the building that the man is in, whether it is his office – or a place that he goes…
There’s a lot of books on the wall. Its round, its not very big, the size of a small… - it’s a structure – I have a spiral, like the same type of stairs but like a spiral staircase – and that man looking sideways at me – like reading a book very close to his chest – and he just looks to me, gives me a side glance – and once again he doesn’t say anything – he’s very quiet – I very much know not to say anything – its like a ‘do not disturb’ – ‘do not disturb’ sign.
I have to be very quiet walking up the stairs.
He has a black hat on – if that’s of any interest.
He’s studying or something – he’s doing something – he’s looking in this book.
It’s all very quiet.
He has a little ... like there’s a screen somewhere – like uh something that he’s looking at - I don’t think he’s looking at a tablet exactly, maybe there’s one somewhere around, but that’s throwing a lot of light around too.
Its like a turret – like there’s books around a round wall – its round – and the stair go up the spiral up to the top to like a platform – that’s what I could see in the light-up – that’s what …
But he’s there – he’s up in there.
So, I just wanted to mention that too.
This reading is totally out of order – its all over the shop. OK, it 1:08am as well –
End of Session
These were some of the drawings the A.I generated of the Man - they are woefully lacking but I put them in because I had created them for this RV session 10 days before this posting.
The 3 panel picture is something related to the 3 blue screens - but the A.I didnt make the screens blue unfortunately.