continued 3...
Its 1:30pm (*note: it should have been AM)
Probing –
I just wanted to add that – just thinking – I didn’t realize that throughout this - I’m not explaining that there is this woman.
I am following a woman, but for some reason I thought that I was that woman – but it’s not me
– all that time I have been actually ‘observing’ a woman.
And its this woman who is wearing this sort of you know, the kaki pants and boots and the polo shirt
She has light brown hair – its cut short – close to the head -type bob – to the collar
Fair skin
Not very tall – maybe 5’ 6 at the most.
And she’s the one who is the geologist, or the scientist or whatever.
And I’m just behind her, to the side of her.
And there’s no sound - In the sense of I’m not talking to her – I can sort of read her mind sort of thing.
And she’s very observant.
I feel that she’s familiar with what is going on.
– but she possibly may not have been… I’m not saying ‘been in this area before’, I’m just feeling that she is very competent in what she does.
…and I just feel that they’re observing – when I say ‘they’, there are people around, there are other people around but she’s not talking to them.
I feel that she is observing two sides of a natural event –
And I’m not sure if this event… we’re at the end of the shadow – she’s watching a shadow come across – like its like covering the place that she’s in. And I don’t know exactly where that shadows coming from but when they are at the end of this observatory – in the end room – after they’ve gone through that glass tunnel sort of thing – they come out to this very big end room…
it looks… I don’t know whether… I wouldn’t call it a War Room, I don’t know why I’m calling it that, because I don’t think it is that - it has a carpet on it like an official building would have – its like a nylony blue dark blue carpet.
And there are windows all around. But there’s a lot of space. There’s not a lot of furniture or anything in this room – its rather clear.
But the view that they have of these seemingly natural peaks – because it really does remind me of like a mountain range – and they are up at the height of that range after they have come from this underground thing – but they are watching this rather big shadow – even though its at night.
So you can see the peaks are white, but when the shadow comes across you can see that darkness fall on those peaks – and it’s really ominous.
They are observing it – or they are monitoring it – maybe that’s a better word. Maybe that’s them monitoring this.
But the landscape is – I was going to say rough – it’s not, it’s just natural. And I’m not seeing structures outside, I’m just seeing these white peaks and its reflection off the top.
Like there’s snow on the top, but these mountains are black, but its dark.
But I think that these mountains are black and jagged – that sort of thing.
But I just wanted to say that about this woman –
I’m just observing – she has something… like a scientist or some…
She has knowledge of whatever she is observing – like a lot.
I just wanted to add this here – like as I said, I haven’t said anything about her.
And I’m not her.
But she is quite professional, I mean in her sense, and she is a quiet person.
She thinks technical things – she’s taking in all this technical data because she knows what she’s doing.
Yep. So, I’ll just pause that. (Audio is paused)
Another add to that.
What she’s observing – I’m not feeling that she has a concern - but I’m worried.
I’m more concerned than she is about what she is seeing.
I’m not feeling exactly a reaction.
I’m feeling a very scientific observation emotional – sort of like “hmm, so that, yeah, so OK, so that’s what happens” … but I’m like ‘what the hell is that! What the hell is that!’
I’m looking up in the sky – I can’t see. The sky is really, really dark, but the peaks are white and the mountains are black and you can see the natural shadow form on them.
When the shadow comes over, I’m looking up and I’m wondering…
The shadow moves at a very – like its not a slow shadow – this shadow comes over quickly and it really does darken that environment outside – really quite dark.
Its either big and close, whatever is casting this shadow, but it seems round – I’m not sure whether its planetary – another planet coming over this …
It feels like a planet.
Or something round – celestial body. Or it feels like a celestial or something from in the sky is casting, and big – its casting or its close.
But the observers don’t seem concerned but, I am while I’m observing her.
I am wondering what the hell is going on.
Anyway, I just wanted to add that – I still have the emotional – that’s what I can feel.
So, weather she is feeling that, but not showing it? Because I cannot see the object. I can’t. I’m standing a little way back. They’re closer to the glass window - to where they can see up and see it.
And it just seems something that they expect or know about or... and I’m not getting a good sense about that – or I’m sensing, I’m sensing danger, or an unknown danger.
(Break Two - Pause of audio recording)
Restarting the session – its 1:56am on the 15th of the 2nd, 2023.
(Probing ideogram and drawing)
Even though I cant see this object in the sky that is casting the shadow over these mountain peaks .. (drawing these people standing and observing this shadow)
There’s a man near this woman.
Ok, a thick set – maybe he some sort of higher official – maybe it’s just a person in charge of this observation – this event.
Trying to draw the shadow coming over these peaks and stuff – I mean I even had a feeling that if it was something round it could have been celestial – like the Moon or something…
Its just the texture of it – it seems smooth like sandstone or the colour of it is sandstone type – and not even that, it’s like a cream, a really light … and its buffed sort of thing.
(drawing) I’m just drawing what the observers are seeing.
There’s a roof on the building – because I am observing from back in the room.
But the shadow comes over – drawing the shadow which is coming over quickly – something casting the shadow on these once white peaks. OK.
I can only see a ‘round something’ – OK.
continued next post...