Elena has released a very important video:
I will comment on it, here: https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/37840-war-in-heaven?page=3
Elena has released a very important video:
I will comment on it, here: https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/37840-war-in-heaven?page=3
Something happened 5 months ago, connected to my posting on this thread:
A few days after i posted my scenario of how the “disclosure“-operation will unfold,
a Maytre-grey showed up in my space.
Now, these folks are bad news, really bad news.
It looked mean and threatening at me, and i knew that it was pi..ed because of my post regarding the most likely “disclosure“-scenario.
I see the appearance of the Maytre as a confirmation, that this is what is being planned, so i recommend to re-visit the posts.
Elena Danaan has posted “The Event- message from Myrah“, which describes the PLAN, although in more general terms :
At 06:00 you can hear, quote: “Everyone will ascend, everyone WHO STANDS on this planet“.
I comment in more detail about this PLAN here:
I know she and Dr Salla work together on media releases. I'm reminded of what Courtney has stated regarding those with the ability to "channel".
But I also wonder what "safe guards" are in place to prevent anyone from supplying deceptive remote viewing data via the viewers? Having multiple viewers targeting a common subject is obviously a first line of defense/offense, but what else beyond that?
Bump: I again recommend to re-visit the posts regarding the most likely “disclosure“-scenario. These are important.
Regarding the space-arcs:
My info is, that they will NOT fully activate and will NOT initiate the evacuation as originally intended, because of interference by the cabal.
Instead, they will continue to heat up and that will cause problems.
The arc in the Pacific will heat up the waters greatly and a lot of fish, whales etc. will die. It will affect such a great area, that it will spark widespread public interest. It will be explained away, that the mantle is somehow dissipating excessive heat into the ocean, and thus causing the mass-die-off.
Mt. Fiji will blow up and Tokio will be burned and completely buried under a pyroclastic nightmare. I don't know when and whether the ship under Mt. Fiji will have anything to do with it.