I saw some video clips of the type of things happening and it wasn't pretty at all.
This news matches the unrest!
From the 2022 June Human News Forecast
Let's start by summarizing what happened last month with our MAY HUMAN NEWS PROGRAM.
We had a very interesting month there was of course the ongoing war in Ukraine – well, many of our sessions seem to focus on things that are obviously related to the war in Ukraine, and that indeed was the ongoing focus of much of the news for the month.
Chaos fighting attacks in urban areas terror - Princesses’ session involved what appears to be new types of weapons in the conflict and indeed that does seem to have happened in May.
Intysam’s session involved what appeared to be an event on water involving a boat pursuit and capture. It was heavily reported in May that Russia is actively trying to capture Ukrainian naval vessels and to repurpose them for their own war efforts, since Russia is basically running out of its own naval vessels.
On a News level it was a varied and interesting month. None of our sessions picked up the Uvalde school shooting but our reports are not designed to be complete news coverage, just predictive in some of the major happenings.
From a Remote Viewing perspective, we did a great job describing stuff that did indeed happen.