I’m posting this information because it is related to Dr. Winston Wu and the Guardians of the Looking Glass. This latter group has published some information on Event 2 that indicates that Dr. Wu might be assassinated today May 20th, 2022.
This update is posted on a forum run by the Rain Drop Dao Company. Dr. Winston Wu is founder of this company.
I’m not into bitcoins and I confess that I don’t know much about them. However I would like to suggest that you use extreme caution and discernment if you decide to invest your resources the way that they are advocating.
TO OUR BETA TESTERS AND SUPPORTERS (UPDATED, also see updates at bottom of post),
We are requesting all of those who support us to copy the link to this post as far and wide as possible, or copy its text and re-post it. We have been advised by the Guardians that this information be posted and spread to as many as possible.
The past few days have been extremely stressful for our team. One of our Alpha testers was heavily invested in Terra / Luna and had some funds in UST, and lost a substantial amount, in the multi-millions. This incident is secondary to our project, but the financial devastation experienced by this Alpha tester required all of us to come together to support them.
In terms of the project itself, a series of serious systematic problems have been detected by Dr. Wu and his team. These issues have begun to impact the editing process, which is due to complete tomorrow.
It appears multiple Bitcoin nodes have been compromised. Dr. Wu has said that if this was not detected by his team, if they had completed the edits without detecting these issues, the project would be completely destroyed. It appears these compromised Bitcoin nodes were put in place intentionally to ensure any attempt to edit would be destroyed, as a "trap", in case anyone was trying to edit the blockchain.
Now that the compromised nodes have been detected by Dr. Wu, his team is looking into ways to navigate around them, to perform the final edits without the nodes interfering. Dr. Wu has said the edits will be completed now without issue, but a new strategy must be used using USDC. This plan is outlined below.
We have received additional information from the Guardians. They have forwarded us information and documents showing that a planned attack of all of cryptocurrency is underway, and being conducted by the U.S. Government, along with George Soros, Blackrock, Inc. and others, to completely destroy all of crypto and bring Bitcoin's price to nearly zero, within days, weeks and at the latest, by June 15th. This will coincide with a total collapse of the U.S. Dollar, as well.
This plan has been in place for a long time, and has been secret, but now it is starting to be revealed. Some information already circulated on the web, including this post, which contains of the key points as to how this plot is unfolding. Additional posts appeared, also indicating this planned attack, which coincides and correlates to the information provided to us by the Guardians. We have re-tweeted both posts on our Twitter. We have been told by the Guardians that this is "only the tip of the iceberg" of what is going on, and what is being planned. They have told us "no one has the full picture, only parts, they are not seeing what will come."
Due to this new information, and in light of the compromised nodes put in place to compromise and destroy our editing efforts, Dr. Wu has issued an "emergency capital preservation plan" to ensure all edited funds are saved, and all existing crypto funds are saved. While editing is not complete, we were shown even if we issued all funds as planned, the collapse of both crypto and the U.S. Dollar will mean "everything will be nearly worthless within weeks anyway." This is why an immediate action plan has been put in place.
1) Dr. Wu believes all edited funds must now be converted to USDC to ensure they survive the collapse. This will be done, once the full blockchain edit can be completed. Due to the amount that must be converted, over $2.9 Billion USD, the conversion is expected to take some time.
2) Beta testers and crypto holders are advised to obtain a USDC-ETH address immediately, and convert all of their existing crypto into USDC as soon as possible. (Existing Beta testers who did not provide a USDC address should immediately email us with one, titled, "USDC Payout Address," so we have it on file.)
3) Beta testers and crypto holders are advised not to use any other stable coin other than USDC, as USDC appears to be the selected coin that will (momentarily) survive the collapse. USDC is "controlled by them" according to the Guardians, so it will remain a safe haven in the time of total collapse. Unfortunately, even the USDC will experience an extreme "devaluation" when the U.S. Dollar collapses, which is also planned for this Summer. Because of this, an aggressive editing plan is now in place.
4) Dr. Wu has issued a new group pool address, called the USDC Preservation Group Pool, to preserve and keep funds safe, which will be the USDC-ETH address as follows:
All USDC sent to the above address will be placed in the final editing queue, and edited at the Tier 15 level. The payout for Tier 15 is $2.05 Billion USD. After the collapse of both crypto and the U.S. Dollar, this amount is calculated to be only worth around "$45 Million" or less, and eventually nearly zero. If no edit is completed, the USDC will be nearly worthless, along with the U.S. Dollar, so editing is necessary, in Dr. Wu's view. Our existing edited funds are also projected to be worth about $67 Million during the collapse, and eventually nearly zero. (More on this devaluation is explained below.)
THIS LAST AND FINAL POOL IS NOW open to everyone, WHETHER YOU ARE A BETA TESTER OR NOT. Once you have submitted funds, send an email to both [email protected] and [email protected] with the title, "USDC Pool", with your transaction details, so your submission can be catalogued. Be sure to provide your USDC-ETH payout address as well.
5) If you need to convert funds to USDC, it is advised you use changenow.io, a safe and private exchange that works quickly. You can also convert crypto to USDC using Coinbase, Binance and other exchanges.
6) Dr. Wu believes using the USDC PRESERVATION GROUP POOL will be safer than keeping your USDC in your own wallet, based on what the Guardians told us. Dr. Wu says once the editing is completed, we can convert everyone's USDC into the $2.05 Billion USD, which is needed in light of the coming collapse. We were shown information from the Guardians that even USDC will experience an extreme devaluation, when the U.S. Dollar collapses, but will be generally "safer" than any other stable coin or crypto. We were shown all cryptos will nearly drop to zero, all stable coins will collapse, all exchanges will be bankrupted, such as Coinbase. In this scenario, USDC will survive, but it will also be SEVERELY DEVALUED when the U.S. Dollar collapses. We were told USDC "will have a week or so of safety before rug on U.S. Dollar is pulled." As a result, Dr. Wu has said the USDC must be edited. We consulted the Guardians with this plan, and they said their own data showed this is the "only path forward" and that ANYTHING ELSE WILL RESULT IN NEAR TOTAL LOSS.
7) If you do not submit to the pool above, and instead keep your crypto either in Bitcoin or any other crypto, or in USDC, we believe you will face total loss. This could occur within days, weeks, but at the latest, June 15th. The Guardians told us June 15th is "their final planned date to initiate complete collapse of both crypto and the U.S. Dollar. The rise in the Dollar right now is designed so that people pour their money into the Dollar, so when it is destroyed, the impact will be felt worldwide. A digital world currency will then be issued."
8) We were shown a plan, provided by the Guardians, on how to turn our USDC into various safe assets, so we do not "need to use the new digital currency." This plan can only work if our editing process is successful, so Dr. Wu is working hard to ensure it is.
9) We asked the Guardians if the new digital currency will be XRP or one of the other coins related to XRP, and we were told "no", that it will be entirely new and its issuance will surprise everyone. We were told holders of XRP, XLM, XDC and Algo will see their assets reduced to "zero" but they will have an option to receive a slightly higher amount of the new digital currency, so that "holding those coins is a slightly better option but will still require you join their controlled system, some would call it “the Beast system."
10) Dr. Wu believes we are faced with a very difficult issue, where there is no "off ramp to fiat" available, whereby the U.S. Dollar collapses soon, and the "only option" they will provide will be the digital currency. Dr. Wu says we will "never participate in that", and has asked our team and John Ye to immediately seek new alternatives to "turn our USDC into viable assets". The Guardians are helping us with this, but they advised a series of events must happen for this to work.
11) It is important to reiterate, that even if you convert everything into USDC, IT WILL EVENTUALLY BE NEARLY WORTHLESS ONCE THE US DOLLAR COLLAPSES. This will also initiate a worldwide currency collapse, with no "safe haven" currencies left. This is by design and their plan. This is why Dr. Wu believes we must edit the USDC to increase its value and amount as much as possible, using Tier 15, and why he believes everyone should immediately submit their funds to our USDC Preservation Group Pool above.
12) The Guardians stated to us we are facing "very few options, as Bitcoin will be worthless, USDC will be nearly worthless but a little safer than everything else". They said "by editing you give yourself a chance" because we can turn 1 Bitcoin into 100 Bitcoins, then to USDC, but "time is of the essence and you must take evasive measures. THERE WILL COME A POINT THERE IS NO AVENUE TO CONVERT ANY FUNDS INTO ANYTHING SAFE. No currency will be a safe haven. No crypto will exist that has value. Gold and silver will be manipulated as well. Total desperation and panic will ensue worldwide, when people realize they have nowhere to put their money that is safe. Then the digital currency will be issued, after a few months of incredible panic, fear and pain, and people will rush to it. It will require your identity be connected to it. It will signify total enslavement. June 15th is their final date, and we have some indications it may be June 14th instead. Before there can be any plan of survival, your project must complete your edits, must convert to USDC, and must then proceed with a plan we will help you with, to preserve what is left and survive this."
13) The Guardians described a "golden amulet" that must be found to help in the preservation of wealth and without it, there will be no avenue at all, as "all cash will be worthless, all crypto will be worthless." This scenario will put people into a mode of total desperation, as the collapse will happen "overnight" and the panic will send people into a total frenzy of fear and chaos. "People will realize they have no way out, the Dollar is worthless, crypto is worthless, there is nowhere to move money to keep it safe at all. Using Raindrop to edit funds and turn it into USDC gives us a chance, because they can increase our holdings into the Billions before the collapse."
14) Dr. Wu has ordered us at Raindrop DAO and the entire team that he is working now closely with the Guardians, and their emails and orders are to be considered of "highest priority" and to "supersede my authority in the event I am incapacitated." Dr. Wu is also arranging a "dead man's switch" that will move all private keys to the Guardians.
a) All Beta testers and anyone wishing to join the USDC Pool above should already have Atomic Wallet, Trust Wallet or Exodus Wallet installed on their phone or desktop. These wallets are free, and safe. All of these wallets have and support USDC-ETH.
b) All Beta testers and anyone wishing to join the USDC Pool should be able to convert U.S. Dollars, or any currency, Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency within their centralized exchange -- such as Coinbase or Binance -- into USDC-ETH, within the exchange itself. Once converted, send to the address we provided above.
c) If you can't convert to USDC-ETH, use changenow.io. They provide simple instructions on how to send and receive. Their conversions usually take between 5 and 15 minutes. Bitcoin may be slower.
d) From this point, use the information above to send USDC-ETH to our USDC Pool, at the address provided above. Then send us an email titled, "USDC Pool" with your transaction details, and your payout USDC-ETH address (where to receive your funds).
e) Once you send to the USDC Pool above, you will be part of Tier 15. You will receive a payout based on the percent of the total Tier you submitted. The Tier itself is $250,000. If the total submissions exceed that, the total payout amount will increase beyond $2.05 Billion. We will post an update if it increases.
f) Dr. Wu recommends sending at least $1,000 USDC, but we may be able to accommodate less. Amounts between $5,000 and $50,000 are more standard submissions.
g) THE USDC POOL IS A PUBLIC POOL FOR ANYONE TO JOIN. WE have had many requests for people to join, who did not become Beta testers, and Dr. Wu has decided this is an emergency situation and we need to let as many people join as possible for this final pool edit.
h) Payouts remain scheduled for May 16-19th but considering all of the events of the past few days, a delay is possible. Dr. Wu also said he wants to give people time to join the USDC Pool, so we are waiting to see how much time may be needed. Dr. Wu will also need more time to convert all of the edited funds into USDC before payout.
i) While some Beta testers provided a USDC address, we will now need everyone to provide one. Please send an email titled, "USDC Payout Address" if you are already a Beta tester who submitted previously.
j) All payouts will now be issued in USDC-ETH. Everyone should have a small amount of ETH in their wallet as well, so they can send the USDC later on.
k) We were told by the Guardians that editing must be done by late May, at the latest, before collapse initiates, or sooner if possible. We are communicating with them daily as they provide us more information on how to use the editing USDC effectively.
l) If you join the USDC Preservation Group Pool, YOU WILL RECEIVE A PORTION OF THE $2.05 BILLION FINAL EDITED AMOUNT (which may be higher, if total submissions exceeds $250,000). Your portion is based on the percentage of what you contribute. Higher submissions will receive a higher portion of the $2.05 Billion distribution.
This concludes our update. Please continue to email us at our main email addresses with your thoughts or concerns. If we have not responded, send your email again.
- Raindrop DAO Admin