Super Soldiers of Ceres
Extremely exceptional remote views by all the Remote Viewers in this movie. There is so much information in here, thank you SO MUCH! This is very helpful, and now we can measure this information with Tony Rodrigues book, as well as all the other, oh my goodness, amount of information (I've!) we have gathered from personal experiences, friends' stories, and all the books and articles (I've) we've read!
It is so important that we understand how the enemy works, because only through knowledge can we overcome them and shut them down. For example, the way the negative aliens work (Check this book out Courtney Brown) I've found correlates to much of what Professor Jerry Alan Johnson wrote about in "Daoist Magical Transformation Skills: Dream Magic, Shape-Shifting, Soul Travel, and Sex Magic: The Secret Teaching Of Esoteric Daoist Magic."
And there's another book that we all can start reading right now, in order to better understand our own bodies and how they work, so we can protect ourselves, develop and take our power back.
The book is: "Vril or Vital Magnetism - Being Volume Six of The Arcane Teaching or Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea and Greece. [Published 1911]. Link here: