Let’s start by summarizing what happened last month with our January Human News Program.
We had a very interesting month.
The sessions by Intysam, Shantae and myself, all pointed towards a major confrontation in one or more urban areas.
Protests especially involving large vehicles. Based in part on audience feedback – and yes we do read those comments that people do make on the YouTube discussion areas, as well as the forums – It seems that one of the greatest corelations with those sessions is with the covid protests that have been going on in Canada, and to a lesser extent Australia.
These 2 protests are called the Freedom Convoy and the Convoy to Canberra, respectively. The Canadian protests in particular have been really big and big news as well. In Canada, 50,000 truckers travelled to Ottawa, Canadas’s capital, to participate in those protests.
Both Kahmia and PrinCess reported on a calamity involving water. Video was being recorded, and an event which started out to be pleasant, ended up as a calamity as well.
Now there was one event that was reported on in the news which matched this exactly.
In Brazil a cliff collapsed on boatS containing mostly young people on Jan 9th 2022. Probably because of the quality of the video that was reported at the event, the event was big news internationally. It was terrifying to watch the huge cliffs break loose and fall on top of boats filled with young people.
We thank our audience for pointing out these hits.
Finally, Rock Arkie used a method of remote viewing that allows for multiple news events to be perceived within one session. Some of his perceptions clearly matched the Freedom Convoy protest going on in Canada. He even clearly sketches the large trucks, the major gatherings in urban areas, the security people trying to control the protests, the works.
However, some of his other perceptions seem to address the Hwasong12 Missile launch by North Korea at the end of January – the biggest missile to be launched by North Korea since 2017.